Chapter Two

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Author's bullshit: Sorry for not updating, for a very long time, no excuses here, but enjoy!


“It’s all gone,” I heard the oncologist telling my mom, I was sitting there and acting like I don’t care at all but I was half listening to what they’re saying. I glanced up to see the doctor examining my PET scan from earlier this week, it has been at least three weeks since I’ve woke up at the hospital. My parents were worried that I would have gone to coma when I passed out but it was different, when I woke up the next day, I felt nothing, the pain was totally gone, the only thing I remember was those piercing blue eyes but of course, I didn’t tell anyone, I’m scared about what they’re going to say,  Maybe they’re going to say I’m hallucinating and no one was there when I passed out, but all I know is that I saw those pair of beautiful eye, and I can bet my life on that.

My attention went back to the doctor who asked me if I’m feeling okay or any pain whatsoever, I just shrugged at him. “I’ve never felt this healthy since I was ten, so I think I’m good,” I said in barely a whisper as I pushed the hair that was on my face, a habit I’ve had ever since. “So, this means I can go back to school right?” I asked the doctor but was staring at my mother because she was the only one against the idea of going back to Beacon Hills. The doctor cleared his throat and told them that she should go back to her normal routine before the cancer but she should still be extra careful and that check-ups every month should be maintained. Although I’m happy about going back to school, I’m more scared on what’s going to happen, I’ve been home schooled far too long and I’m going stay a year behind than those who are in my real class. “I told you, mum, I can go back to school,” I said standing up, gripping on the chair for a few moments before regaining my balance. Walking by myself is still kind of hard, after a long time in the wheel chair, I had to learn how to walk from scratch again but the therapy for a week already helped me a lot. I smiled at my mother, my hand on her arm, guiding me on every step I take, I think my mother is happier than I am after they’ve figured out that my cancer had stopped spreading and just suddenly disappeared. They were saying that God made our prayers come true and then they got extra religious after I got better, maybe it was really God’s will who had cured me from cancer but his angel has to be those blue-eyed person who was there before I passed out.  “Oh, dad is here,” I said as I spotted the car, sliding inside the car.


A smile had been plastered on my face ever since we got out of our house and drove to Beacon Hills, there’s this excitement boiling inside me, maybe it’s because I’ve been caged inside the house for too long, and that going back to school excites me more than anything else in the world. Lucky for me, the principal had agreed to take me back at this time of the year, it was nearly the end of the semester. But I wanted to start early so instead of waiting, I convinced my parents that it would be a good idea to enrol me anyways. “Take care of yourself, Sofia, and you know, if you’re not feeling well, just call us, we’ll be here,” My dad said, I just rolled my eyes at him, what was he thinking hanging outside the school, just to make sure I was okay. Getting better should mean happiness for the three of us, not just for me, I know they’re happy that I’m okay, but they should also have a life of their own, “Daddy, don’t worry, I’ll be okay, you should go back to the office and earns lots because next year, I want to go to Bora Bora,” Of course, I was just kidding, I just want him to loosen up and go back to loving his job, also not to worry about me to much because I’m all better. I gave him and mum one more smile before I adjusted the strap of the bag on my shoulder, preventing it from slinging too low. I was staring at the ground as I walked, it’s so weird to be with people after being isolated with my parents, the doctor and some nurses for far too long. O felt claustrophobic, no, it’s not like that, I was having a panic attack, my breaths are shortened, my palms are all sweaty and the people seems to be closing in. I gripped on the strap of my bag, looking for a place to relax for a while, that’s when I saw an empty classroom, I hurried towards there, bumping into someone but not caring at all, the feeling of being back at that crowded place was overwhelming, it nearly made me burst out crying.

I sat on the chair nearest to the wall, my forehead resting on the cool back part of the other armchair in front of me. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,” I started counting backwards, this is what my counsellor told me to do when I get into a situation like this, or when I can’t control my anger, I took a deep breath before saying one. “One.” I heard someone say, it was someone who’s behind me, I don’t recognize the voice so I had to look up, and those blue eyes stared into my brown ones. “One,” I repeated, looking at him, wide-eyed but not panicking anymore, I was calm. I watched as he approached me, I can’t even utter a single word anymore, was this the guy who saved me? Was he the person whom I’ve compared to as an angel? He looks so much like a human being, how can his touch wash away all my pain? “Hey,” I said nervously as he reached out to touch my cheek, it was flushed now, compared to the paleness I had when I was still sick. I didn’t even flinch when his strong and definite fingertips touched my soft skin, but just another second has passed, his hands were on his pocket, and all I can feel was the lingering touch. “Sofia Levering,” He said my name like he had said it over and over again, his pronunciation was perfect, Lever-ing, and not Levi-ring. I was about to ask his name when someone burst into the room, a guy who has black hair, “Isaac, we need to go.”

Isaac. Isaac. Isaac. His name was on repeat inside my brain as I watched his back moving away from me, but before he left, he glanced back and smiled.

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