Chapter Four

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Author's Bullshit: I chose Max Irons since I have feels for him in the roleplay I'm in, haha. But guys, tell me what you think okay? Is it kinda good? Or nah? 


The guy who I thought to be my saviour turned out to be an asshole. All throughout the day, I was praying that we won’t see or bump into each other and if ever we do, he should just ignore me because I’ll very damn well do the same. It wasn’t that hard though, seeing he’s one year higher than me, so we don’t have classes together. I was walking to my last class for the day, it wasn’t really a class but some prerequisite thing, joining a club.

Since before I had cancer, I joined the dance club, I decided to pursue it, I have so much love for dancing especially ballet. I do consider ballet as my first love, it makes me free from worries. I was so distracted in my own thoughts that when I pushed the glass door, and stepped inside, I realized that I was in the wrong room.

“Oh my God,” I muttered to myself when I saw every eyes were on me, they were all holding a camera so it must be the camera club. “Sorry,” I apologized, my cheek flushing as I shook my head, not knowing that a pair of amused eyes were following as I went outside, walking towards the room next door which was the dancing studio.

There weren’t a lot of people who is into ballet so the studio was nearly empty and since I’m also late, I wasn’t allowed to join the routine. So, I was just there looking at them and observing their every moves, recalling it in my mind, imaging that I was dancing too.

“Sofia,” The ballet instructor hugged me, she’s one of my favourite person, she’s been my ballet teacher ever since I first tried the dance. “I’m glad that you’re back and you really look healthy,” Ms Thompson told me, clapping her hands, signalling that the practice is done, I smiled at her telling her that it was lovely to see her again, but she had to excuse herself since she was going to give final instruction to the ballet group that would be competing on the national level. Instead of leaving the empty studio though, I stayed, closing my eyes, letting my feet move from here to there, letting my arms flew up and down, mimicking their dance earlier. I can hear the music in my ears although I know it was silent except for the dripping of water outside, it was raining and footsteps.

Footsteps? I furrowed my brows, opening my eyes as I  stopped twirling around. “Oh,” I said, seeing this tall blonde guy, he was leaning on the door frame holding his camera which was directed on me. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice was soft, I was embarrassed, I’m not that good in ballet anymore, I’ve stopped while I had cancer.

He just grinned, it was a boyish and a cute one, if I may add. “Well, you went to the wrong room earlier and I followed you,” He told me like it was the simplest thing to say, there was a hint of British in his accent which means that he’s new in Beacon Hills too. I sighed, shaking my head, taking my stuffs in the floor as I walked pass him to the hallways, I glanced at my watch seeing that it was just five in the afternoon, my parents were supposed to pick me up at six.

“I didn’t catch your name,” He said following me, walking too close to me, but it wasn’t uncomfortable though, his presence wasn’t but still Isaac’s being next to me was different from this.

“Sofia Levering,” I told him rolling my eyes, I don’t tell people my name especially a stranger who might be a potential stalker. “I’m Seth Anderson,” He told me, taking my hand and shaking it, I didn’t even extend my hand so just to be polite, I shook it. “Well, nice to meet you, Seth, I need to go now,” I told him walking quickly but like a faithful and annoying puppy, he was still following me, I stopped, folding my arms into my chest, raising a brow at him. “Stop following me!” I said a little pissed off because he has still a smile wide on his very handsome face. “I’m not even following you, Sofia, I was going to the same direction, don’t make stories.” I was surprised and embarrassed again at first, but I ended up laughing, clutching my stomach because I can’t seem to stop from laughing. It was weird, I feel like a fool for thinking that he was following me. “I’m sorry,” I said still chuckling, wiping the tears off the end of my eyes, it was from laughing.

He smiled down at me, for the first time I realized how tall he was, I was like only an inch above his shoulder. A perfect height if I want to put my head on his shoulder whenever I'm sad, and a shoulder to cry on too, I thought, shaking my head to get those thoughts away nearly after I thought about it. “You’re beautiful when you smile,” He told me tucking the hair that was on my face, his finger grazed into my soft cheek as he did so.

“Isaac,” I stiffened when someone from behind called Isaac’s name, I slowly looked at my left, only to see Isaac staring at us, I got confused by the expression on his face but like I promised myself I’m going to ignore him. “Sofia, do you need a ride home?” Seth asked me, I was too caught up by Isaac’s reaction earlier that I just nodded at him, Isaac just walked pass by me, but I can feel the tension in the air, and I don’t even know why there’s tension, it’s not like we’re together or we’re even friends, we just had lunch together earlier and he could just have been the reason why I got better but still, we’re not together and he has no right to be jealous or something. “Let’s go,” I told Seth, decided to walk with him but a hand caught my arm.

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