Chapter Three

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Authors' Bullshit: Hope you like this weird chapter I made, hehe, comments please? :)


Isaac. Isaac. Isaac. I’ve said that name a couple times already and yet I can’t get enough of it, or his smile. That smile made my heart melt, not because he was handsome and good-looking which he totally was, but because his smile was genuine, one of the best smiles I’ve seen in my entire life. “Get a grip of yourself, Sofia,” I told myself but the mention of my name made me remember how my name slipped out of his lips earlier. I don’t know what was happening to me, my every move seems to reflect on him, it was weird, I just got better but I think I’m sick again, lovesick maybe? Or obsessed with a guy who I just met but knows my name? But he’s my saviour after all, he took all the pain away.

I shook my head, letting all those thoughts go away as I’ve heard the bell ring, I have to get out there and be strong again, and I won’t let my fear of panicking get into my renewed life. So, taking my bag again, I walked towards my first class, I can feel some of the students looking at me, they must have recognized me as the girl who had cancer, but they might have not figured out that I’m all better now.

“Sofia,” I jerked up to see who called me and realized that it was the principal grinning at me. “Oh, Mr. Miller,” I said giving him a small smile as he led me towards my first class, he must have forgotten that I had been once a student here, and I’m not a newbie. I held out my breath as I walked inside the room, it was full of students now because I was late, I’m blaming the panic attack on why I got late. I looked around the room and saw no one I recognize, luckily, the professor didn’t let me introduce my name in front of the other students because I know I’ll faint in embarrassment if he did.

I’ve chosen the chair at the back, next to the window, when I sat there, I realized that the seat I’ve chosen was overlooking the field, the lacrosse field, I didn’t do it on purpose, I was just drawn towards it. I closed my eyes for a few moments, still thinking about the Isaac guy, he looks so familiar but I can’t put where I saw him. When I opened my eyes again, the bell already rung for lunch, time went by so fast when you’re thinking about some things. I gathered my books, walking out of the room and out towards the cafeteria as I had remembered it before. Instead of buying at the cafeteria, my mum had packed me lunch, she told me that it was healthier that way and food in the cafeteria isn’t healthy.

Again, I was alone, I don’t have friends yet so I’m eating alone again, which I’m used to already. I took out the container inside my bag. All I can see where greens and fruits, as usual, my mother had turned into a health freak now. I shoved the container away, cringing at her awful lunch, when someone slammed two burgers in front of her. Looking up, I saw that it was Isaac, smirking at me and sitting on the chair opposite to her.

“So, you’ve harassed me, touching my face and whatever, and then you go in here, slamming that awfully, unhealthy burgers in front of me, but to be honest, it looks good.” My eyes widened because I was confused about what’s going inside me, there’s an attraction between me and him but I was angry at how he just burst into me, twice today. He must have been taken aback by my action, the shock in his face was evident but then it turned into a small smirk. I want to erase the smirk off his face so much but that action, it was kind of like a part of him.

“Sofia Levering,” He said my name again, sliding the burger in front of me, I had to roll my eyes at that action but took the burger from him, opening it carefully and taking a small bite, the flavour of the burger filled my taste buds. I had to finish the burger, only a few minutes, he was just there staring at me, like I was some kind of entertainment but maybe a girl who is skinny as me eating like that was an entertainment. I wiped my face, my head held high but was embarrassed about my actions earlier, I rested my elbows on the table, watching him carefully as his eyes were on mine.

“Who are you again?” I asked although I know his first name so well, the name that’s on replay inside my head, he smiled at me, taking the container with my salad inside, opening it and started using my fork to eat. “You’re so cocky, you came here, sit in front of me and eat my salad?” I told him raising a brow, folding my arm around my chest, I don’t know why I feel so much intense when he’s around but he brings out the confidence inside me.

“Isaac Lahey,” He introduced himself, extending his hand for me to shake, I looked at his hand decided to shake it anyways, “I don’t think I have to introduce myself, you seem to know me, may I ask how?” I furrowed my brows, gripping on the edge of the table, wanting to hear his next words. Maybe he would explain to her why she’s all better, was it his doing or was it just coincidence that he was there when I fainted. But what he said next made me realized that he must be an asshole instead of the guardian angel, I thought him to be. “You’re the cancer girl right?”

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