Chapter Six

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Author's Bullshit: Sorry for the v late update but at least I did right? :3


I never imagined my first kiss to be like that, but no matter how I force myself not to respond to the kiss, I did. My self-control is non-existent when I’m around Isaac, I can’t help but let my walls down when he was around that’s just something that I can’t understand and sure hell, it’s confusing me, “Isa-ac,” I hummed into his lips, my arms around his neck, pulling him down towards me but I stopped as my tongue grazed on his, I’m not myself when I’m with him. “Stop,” I muttered pushing him away from me, I just turned into a cancer survivor into a normal student and right now, I’m just like one of those teenagers who has hormones problem. I need to get out of this place, I need to stay away from Isaac and not let myself be alone with him anymore, he was good looking but it’s more than that, it’s not just physical attraction but there’s something in him that covers up the emotions in me, it’s like his heart fits in mine which is just a fucked up way of thinking.

I didn’t even realized that tears were already on my cheek as I run away from Isaac who was just standing there, looking at where I was standing, he didn’t even follow me but there’s nothing much I can do but leave. Wiping the tears off my cheek, I fluttered my eyes close, accidentally bumping into someone, “Let go of me,” I mumbled when a pair of strong hands hold onto me, I heard those familiar voice asking me if I was okay, and I just nodded, realizing that it was Seth. “It’s okay, I’m okay, I think there’s something in my eyes.” I told him but he was far too smart to believe what I was saying, I wasn’t just crying, I was sobbing, I don’t know why I was crying, maybe I was just confused by Isaac’s action, one day he’s this nice guy and all of the sudden, he became rude. That’s just annoying in my part since I hate being confused, I hate when I couldn’t control anything and I can’t control him.

“Let me take you home,” I heard Seth told me, taking the books from my hands as we walked towards his car, I can feel someone’s eyes on me even though I can’t see him, I know it was Isaac but I tried ignoring it, putting him on the back of my mind as I listen to Seth tell me all about photography, I just smiled and nodded at him. “Hey, thank you, Seth, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow,” I smiled at him, trying very hard to plaster a smile on my face as I walked inside the empty house. Of course, after I miraculously got better, my parents went back to the workaholic parents they really are, but I ignored it knowing that they’ve lost their life when I became sick. I sighed, plopping down the bed, I grew very tired, maybe it was because of the dancing or because of the fact that everywhere I go, and everyone I see, the only thing that’s in my mind would be Isaac’s lips on mine.

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