Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sunlight creeping through the blinds. My eyes slowly peeled open as I looked around, forgetting where I was. But then I remembered that I slept in Blake's room with him. I looked over at him and he was still asleep, breathing lightly. Without making any noises, I slowly creep out of the bed and made my way over to the door. Lightly turning the knob I exit his room and quietly walk down the hall back to the room I stay in.

I forgot that I left my phone in here all night on the charger so I took it off. I checked time and it read 8:25. Its too early to be awake. So I got under the covers and went back to sleep.

I wasn't able to sleep for at least two more hours because the twins bursted into the room calling my name. They climbed onto the bed and started jumping on it. I couldn't even get mad at them. Who wouldn't want to wake up to those cute little faces?

"Ava! Wake up!" they yell in unison. I open my eyes to see them hovering over me with big smiles on their faces.

"I'm up." I giggle.

"Yay! Get ready." Justin says.

"Where are we going?" I ask. "I don't know. We're going out for breakfast somewhere." I smile at him and throw the covers off of me. They jumped off the bed and ran out.

My feet makes contact with the soft pulsh carpet and my legs make their way into the bathroom. Since I took my shower last night I just have to brush my teeth and wash my face. After freshening up for twenty minutes I dig through my suitcase trying to find something to wear. Five minutes of searching I finally decide to wear a white tank top, jean shorts with a pair of black sandals. I brushed my hair and put it in a neat bun.

I went downstairs to find Vin, Aaron and the twins in the living room watching tv. They were already dressed and ready to go.

"Good morning." I sing.

"Good morning sweetheart." Aaron smiles. I sat down next to him and he gave me a hug. I hugged him back even though it felt a little awkward.

About thirty minutes later Blake and Ariel finally came down.

"Well its about damn time." Vin huffs. "People are hungry." Ariel rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse out of the closet. Blake just chuckled. His body was adorn with a nice white crisp Polo shirt with khakis and brown Polo boots. His hair was shaved on the sides and long on the top.

"Lets go." Vin says stuffing his wallet into his pocket. We all walk over to the door and Vin locks it behind us. We get into Vin's Cadillac that's a 7 seater. Aaron, Blake and I get in the far backseats as Ariel put the twins in their booster seats in the two middle seats.

After a twenty minute drive we pulled up to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. I almost screamed when I realized that we were coming here. They have the best waffles ever! The chicken is like heaven on earth. And the apple juice is amazing! As soon as Ariel helped the twins out I hopped up and climbed out of the car.

Once everyone was out of the car we entered the restaurant. When we walked inside my stomach growled. Right on time. The smell of waffles, chicken and syrup made my stomach tingle. I was so excited to eat.

We waited for about 10-15 minutes to sit down. My stomach growled every other three minutes and it became louder. I was relieved when were finally seated. Everyone looked over the menu even though I already knew what I was getting. The waitress came back to our ten minutes later to take our order. I ordered two waffles, one thigh and a apple juice. My mouth has been set on this ever since the last time I came here.

• • •

Aaron and Vin ordered two waffles, two thighs and a ice tea. Blake ordered two waffles, one thigh and one leg with a apple juice. Ariel ordered two waffles and a breast for her, and one waffle and two legs for the twins.

As we waited for our food Aaron and Vin engaged in a conversation. Blake and I were on our phones while Ariel played with the twins. They were coloring on their place mats that the waitress gave them. They looked so cute coloring.

Fifteen minutes later the waitress comes back with our food and I almost let out a little squeal. I managed, to stay quiet and covered my mouth just incase. The waitress placed my food in front of me and I licked my lips. God this was going to be good as fuck! Before we pigged out we joined hands as Vin said grace.

"Amen." we all say in unison.

I quickly let go of Blake's and Aaron's hand and spread some of the butter onto both of my waffles. I grabbed the syrup and drowned the waffles with it. I picked up my fork and knife then began cutting my waffles into pieces. Once I finished I began to devour the waffles and chicken. Holy fucking hell! If you could marry food I'll most definitely do it.

"You can eat." Blake chuckles.

"I'm hungry." I smile.

"I can see." I playfully roll my eyes at him and he laughs even harder. Fucking hell! His smile is so perfect. I quickly turn my face from him so he wouldn't catch me staring at him. That would be so embarrassing.

I chomped my food down within fifteen minutes. There was no crumb left on the plate at all. I cleared the whole plate. I drunk the rest of my apple juice to wash the food down and was stuffed. I probably won't be hungry again until dinner time. Literally I couldn't fit anything else inside of me.

"Wow Ava! You really cleared your plate." Aaron chuckles. Everyone turns to look at my plate and starts laughing. I quickly hold my head down in embarrassment.

"I was starving." I smile shyly.

After paying for our meal we left the restaurant. I was sad to leave but I'll make sure we come back before I return home. There's no way in hell that I'm leaving here without having this food twice. Back in the car, I'm stuck in the middle between Blake and Aaron. The drive is quite except for the cool breeze blowing through the car and the radio playing.

Twenty minutes later we're back at the house and I go straight upstairs to change my shorts. I changed into a pair of pajama shorts that didn't look like pajamas. As soon as I laid down there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yell.

The door opens and in walks Blake. He's already changed his clothes too. He's wearing a wife beater with basketball shorts and black Nike socks. I scan over his body as he walks towards me.

Why did he have to come in here with his muscles all out?

Blake sits next to me and smirks. I give him a confused look and he starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask him.

"You." he says still laughing.


"Its not polite to stare." My face burns with embarrassment.

"I wasn't staring." I manage, to speak up.

"Ok. Call it whatever you want." he says.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes until Blake speaks up. "Um...I wanted to know if you would like to come to a party with me tonight?" he asks, scratching his neck. Did he really just ask me that?

"Sure. Let me know when to get ready." I smile.

"Ok, cool." He stands up from the bed and walks over to the door, exiting the room.

-hope you lovelies enjoyed this chapter! the next chapter is already written so it'll probably be up by Thurs if I finish on time

please comment & vote;) please go read my first story called Behind Closed Doors.

love you guys! xxx

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