Chapter 2

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Picture of alexis
" MUM IM NOT GOING" I scream at mum. If your wondering why I'm screaming at my mum it's because she wants me to stay with my dad IN AMERICA. But there is no way in hell in living with that pathetic excuse of a man.

" ALEXIS I AM FEED UP WITH THIS BEHAVIOUR I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE" she shouts back at me. She was staring at me with utter disappointment in her eyes.

" I'll do anything mum I'll quite smoking , drinking anything but please don't send me to live with dad" I plead.

" no Lexi I'm feed up of this I can't take it anymore and your dad really wants to see you , listen just give him a chance"

" well I don't want to see him HE LEFT US MUM WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD" I scream I can't live with him I just can't.

"LEXI THATS ENOUGH NOW GO UP AND PACK" she screams right back at me.

I turn round and head to my and slam the door. I don't think I can bare seeing my dad again after everything he put us through.

I pick up my phone off my bed and call my two only best friends. Noah and Jess. They are like me badasses, Noah is the player and badboy but me and Jess still lie him and Jess is the badgirl along with me.

Noah and Jess said that they would be right over. I start to get my suitcase and pack there's no point arguing my mum will still make me go.

Just when I start packing my door burst opens and Noah and Jess come barging into my room.

" OK DID I HEAR YOU RIGHT YOUR MOVING" Noah basically yelled in my face.

I sighed and flicked my hair out of my eyes.

" yup" I said popping the 'p' I stood up and sat at the bed next to Noah.

" but Lexi you can't it won't be the same without you" he said holding my hand

" I know I don't exactly want to leave its just my mum making me go. And I'm sure you'll do just fine without me" I smirk at him while he just looks utterly sad.

I look over at Jess who looks like she's about to burst out into tears. She looking down at her lap intently.

" guys come on don't be sad"

" we can't help it this is bullshit you can't leave" Noah says desperately looking into my eyes.

" hey it's fine I'll Skype you everyday and it's not like I'll just forget about you ok" I kiss Noah on the cheek and give Jess a reassuring smile. She beamed back at me.

I really don't want to leave but I really have no other choice

A/N ok so that was my first chapter if you liked it please let me know and I'll continue writing this story.


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