Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sun peering through my window. I groan and get up and make my way to my wardrobe to pick my outfit for the day. I hate living here especially with my dad who left me when I was just a child . I'll never forgive him for that he made me who I am today he's the reason I shut people out of my life don't let people get too close  they'll just end up hurting you.

I make my way downstairs to see my dad making breakfast. He turns round and sees me at the doorway he sends me a smile

" good morning alexis how are you this morning" he says turning towards me
"Fine" I grunt and sit at the table

" alexia can you please just stop this I've apologised so many times but you just shut me out I'm sorry" he says an apologetic look on his face

" I don't care , no matter how many times you apologise I'm never going to forgive you" I say looking down at the table. He's the one who decided to walk out on us he is not going to get my forgiveness that easily

I get up from my chair to go back upstairs when he grabs my wrists and turns me to face him "will you just listen to me without walking away for one second" he says

" seriously you can say that to me , your the one who walked away in the first place right ! I bet your an expert on walking out on people" I shout at him. I start getting mad I can't believe he's the one who could say that to me.

" listen me and your mom we tried to make things work but we just didn't work anymore I tried to make thing right between us but nothing was working , I'm sorry ok" he says looking down at me. I turn my head way from him not being able to look him in the eye, I really do have a thing with eye contact.

" I DON'T FUCKING CARE you ruined my life , you made me his way because of you I have major trust issues I can't trust anyone because I know they'll end up leaving me just like you did. I find it hard to let anyone in my life, you'll never be my dad you made that decision when you walked out on us" i scream at him , tears rolling down my face.

My dad looks at me with sadness and guilt. I push him off me and run out the door. I shouldn't even be crying over him, I wipe my tears with my sleeve feeling angry with myself crying shows weakness I'm not weak. I groan and sit on a bench at a park near my house.

I put my head in my hands and sigh I never wanted to be like this but that's what happens when you get hurt. I get up and start looking for somewhere to eat seeing as I'm starving. I walk around for a while before a see a small cafe and the corner of the street

I walk in and look around the cosy cafe and walk towards the counter. I see a young blonde bubbly worker.

" hi what can I get for you today" she smiles up at me . I send her a glare I hate happy people it makes me feel jealous

" I'll have pancakes and a coffee" I say blankly at her and turn away to sit down at a table in the corner of the room. 

" hey you looked like you needed company" a voice says in front of me. I look up to see a boy who looks around my age with brown hair and blue eyes

" I don't need any company so can you fuck off" I glare up at him he stands back and says " sorry I was just trying to help" and walks way

I prefer being alone than being with someone who will just end up hurting you. The waitress comes with my food and I quickly eat it before paying and leaving the cafe . I sigh deeply man I hate my life


Later on I decide that I want to go out I can't stay in this house any longer its way to awkward for me. I decide to go clubbing I mean why the fuck not I go and get dressed in a tight black dress I look pretty sexy if I say so myself. I smirk at the mirror before going downstairs and rush out the door so I can't see my dad.

I continue to walk down the streets before I see a club and two bouncers at the entrance

" have you got any ID miss" the bald bouncer asks.
" yes , here" I say and hand him my fake ID . He nods at me at lets me in I smile to myself and go into the club , there's people everywhere  girls dancing and grinding on guys. People making out , I grin and head over to the bar and get myself a drink. After 5 drinks I'm starting to get drunk

I head over to the dance with guys and grinding on them to beat of the song. The guy I'm dancing with leans over and whispers in my ear
" what's your name babe" he says holding hips with his hands
" alexia" I said smirking at him. He smiles and says " Alexander" he says back . we continue dancing and drinking before I'm completely drunk.

Alexander comes behind me and puts his hands over my waist holding me against him.

" do you want to come back to my place" he whispers in my ear. I grin up at him and nod. He drabs my hand and leads me out of the club.

Yup this is my life and this is always what I do when I'm pissed off


Heyyyyy omg I actually uploaded I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I spent a lot of time on it. And I will  be uploading more. Thank you all for your amazing comments. I just want to clear something up I don't in any way support smoking I seen a lot of comments saying that i shouldn't be writing this in my book and I totally understand I apologies if this  upset you in any way and I don't agree with smoking this is just a story where the character smokes but apart from that thank you all so much and sorry if this chapter identity that good I'm definitely working on it

I love you guys all so much

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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