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Angels had unlimited energy sources. We didn't perspire. We didn't get tired . . . at all. There was only one exception though, we get tired when we use our heavenly powers too much. In this case, I thought I could handle our Physical Education period.

Today's sport was Badminton. In the previous weeks, we only had discussions about badminton, but today, we had a practicum. You were supposed to hit the shuttle cock using the racket. Easy. Or so I thought. I knew the rules, but I had no idea how to practice them.

Who was I kidding? I didn't even know how to play sports at all. Were board games considered as sports? If so, then I at least knew those games.

Oh well. I'd just have to rely on my instincts on this one.

"Alright class! Line up!" said Mr. Fairman after blowing his whistle loudly.  A contradictory name for him. He wasn't fair at all. Physically and in his attitude. His complexion was coffee-colored, making his gray eyes stand out more. He had scruffy black hair with streaks of silver and gray.

And his attitude? He gave ten laps around the basketball court as a warm up. Seriously? That was acceptable if all of them had the stamina of an angel, or maybe just someone who was extremely athletic.

"Ten laps around this court, in an orderly way! Alright!? No pushing!"

"Don't you just want to kill Gym teachers? Ugh. They're always so energetic. It's like they have caffeine instead of blood!" Complained Eirre, her name pronounced like air, a friend of Kylie. Huh. I supposed she was my friend now too.

"Yeah. I can't believe he can still run at that old age." Kylie replied while examining her nails. Most of my subjects coincide with Kylie’s. Thank God!

At least I had someone familiar to talk with, even if Prom was all she ever talks about, occasionally, boys. I could keep up with that, I guessed. It would be great to know more about the stuff that she was talking about so that I didn’t just nod or smile as a response. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to mind.

Mr. Fairman eyed us like he was ready to kick us out or strangle us to death. Maybe both.

"What are you chatting about? Run! RUN! RUN! We don't have all the time in the world!"

"Guess that's our cue. Come on, Kylie and Astrid."

After ten laps, all of the kids were gasping for air, aside from me, and one guy with a familiar face. I felt like I had seen him somewhere, I just couldn't point it out.  Maybe he was in one of my other classes?

"You know -- Astrid," said Kylie, still huffing and catching her breath, "you can at least pretend to be tired with that work out. You didn't even shed a single drop of sweat! Are you like an alien or something?" She said those words in between breaths. Right. Next time, I will pretend that I'm also tired. You can't blame me, Kylie. I can't do anything about it.

"Wow. You must be really fit," said a voice I didn't recognize.

As I turned around, I saw Kylie and Eirre immediately launched their hands into their hairs in attempt to make it look better. It was the guy who looked familiar to me.

"Uhm. I guess. I run around the beach every night with my siblings." True, but not the exact reason why I was this fit.

"Oh. Of course. The famous Ms. Astrid Rose and Mr. Gabriel Rose." he said, smiling.

"I don’t know about famous, but yeah, and my sister, Celeste."

"Woah! You have a sister?" Eirre asked, shocked, like I am not allowed to have a sister.

"Uhm. Yeah. She's with the Church Committee now,” I answered.

"Oh, does she look like you?” Kylie inquired. The curiosity in her eyes was unmistakable.

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