History Class

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While I was headed to my locker, I made a mental note to avoid Stephen as much as possible because of yesterday's events, not to mention, my dreams, which I still hadn't told my brother and sister. I worry because ever since I came here, I'd learned how to do little rebellious acts like hiding things from them.

"Hi babe," said a ridiculous voice acting to be male, which turned out to be Kylie, tailed by her friends. I guessed their mine too now.

"Hey honey." I said in a sweet, purring - seductive, even - voice and we all started laughing.

"So how was our pretty lady yesterday?" Raven asked.

"Good. Coach Fairman invited me to the team, and I forced Gabe to say yes so that I could join. I will tell coach later."

"That's great. I really adore you, ya know? It's like you are the perfect person. Nah, scratch that. Not like. You ARE perfect,” declared Eirre, affectionately.

“Beauty, perfect family, you seem to know what to do though it is your first time doing that thing - hey, why don't you try cheering squad, maybe you're good at that also - and I heard you have the brains of Einstein," she continued so fast that she didn’t even breathe.  She ended it with a sigh.

Thank, God. For a moment there, I thought she was going to suffocate for talking so rapid in one breath.

"No wonder so many guys notice you." She said again after a few seconds and motioned around. True enough, we were the center of attention of many - almost all - boys, but I can feel their eyes trained on me, only. I reddened instantly.

"Aww. Why thank you darling. You know were all perfect in our own ways. I can teach you with subjects you don't understand if you want. And as for the cheering squad, not sure, but if you teach me a few moves, I might consider." I said with a smile, I decided to just brush them off.

"Well, nobody can be as perfect as you. Let's see. Well Eirre said it all AND to top it off, you have a great personality," Ebony remarked.

"Well, I wouldn't be having this great personality if I haven't met you guys. If not, I'd probably be sulking somewhere now." I answered, which was true. I didn't know if I'd be able to manage had I not met these ridiculously vain BUT really warm-hearted people.

"Aww. Thanks babe. Well, we wouldn't let such pretty face go to waste." Kylie said then enveloping me in an embrace. I could smell her perfume, and then unexpectedly, the others joined in for a group hug.

"Thank God we met you. So, what do you have right now?" Raven asked when we broke apart from our drama because we were attracting too much attention, more than before, and a few girls shot us jealous and hateful glares.

"Well, I have History. How about you guys?"

"Eirre and I have Home Ec," Ebony answered, "Kylie has Math," Kylie rolled her eyes in disgust, "and Raven has French Revolution."

"Okay. Well, I have to get going. I don't want to be late. Bye girls. I'll see you lunchtime?" I said.

"Sure. We'll be outside the cafeteria." Kylie said.

"Bye gorgeous." Eirre bid.

"You be careful, alright?" Raven said.

"Yeah. You guys too." And as their famous 'parting', they blew a kiss in my direction. I blew them one too and the turned around to start toward my locker to get my books for History.

When I closed my locker door, I was surprised to be greeted by that sly grin of Stephen.

"Hey, Babe." He greeted.

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