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Right now, I feel like I've been electrified with a million volts and still somehow, I survived that tragic event, if that even happened. My body and muscles are sore. I can barely move a finger and it's even hard for me to breathe or turn over. My eyes are so heavy, I feel like they are taped shut. Whenever I try to sit up, I can only rise a few inches. What is heppening to me? Is this what happens when I am tired? But angels don't get tired, right?

It took me about an hour until I could finally open my eyes and literally crawl into the bathroom so that I could take a bath. God, is this your punishment? Although, I know it's not, but why can't I get better quickly? Ugh. I feel like I'm a wilted plant. And for the grave part, my wings become heavier when they get wet, and now, instead of being lifted by it, I'm being dragged down. I'm so not having a good day, and to top it off, I didn't attend mass. I guess I'm gonna have to go later when I feel a bit better. I'm gonna have to make my sister heal me first, though.

The hot water is very relaxing, I could be in Heaven now. My body still hurts, but it's not as bad as when I was in bed, but then again, I'm still light-headed, like I just drank a whole bottle of vodka. Last night, I threw up about two or three times that Gabe had to stay inside my room until he went out to attend the mass. Somebody help me. What did I do yesterday that made me into this?

"Astrid? Are you in here?" Celeste called while knocking on the door of the bathroom. "I'm coming in, okay?"

Celeste came in wearing home clothes and an apron around her waist. Her hair is also pulled up into a messy bun.

"Hey honey. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Ugh. Horrible. Like a truck hit me in my sleep. And my whole body is crying out. Can't you help me with this?"

"I would have already if it was that bad. Believe me, it's waaaaay harder when you do much more than what you did yesterday."

"What? You mean this is still the easy part?"

"Yup. So you better preapare. If I help you with today, you'll be too dependent. I don't want that to happen. And also, I want you to get used to that pain, because from here on, more will come. You understand?"

"Ugh. Father, can you take me home now?"

"He won't answer you. Besides, if you go back now, you'll never be able to meet your friends anymore and "experience the life of a normal teenager", like you said. So it's either that pain, or buh-bye teenage life."

"I'm going to die."

"Oh yea. Almost forgot. You better get ready for a bit of nagging from Gabe later for what happened yesterday and that your lunch is ready whenever you feel like eating."

"Can't Gabe forgive me just this once for being reckless?"

"Uhh. I don't think he'll scold you for being reckless, but for the fact that you lied."

"I didn't lie."

"And right now, you are lying again! Seriously Astrid! Since when have you learned to lie to us?"

"Like I said, I didn't lie. Technically, I told you that I'd be with Stephen, right? That's not lying."

"Technically, you did! You didn't tell us that you'll be out with him on a DATE!"

"Wait, what?"

"Oh don't you what me, young miss. I know. And I think so does Gabe. So, brace yourself."

"Right. Celeste, kill me now."

"And spare you the lesson? I'd rather be in hell. And besides, I'm gonna have fun watching you." she laughed.

Ethereal [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt