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Okay, so I completely changed the story so go reread 'z e r o' if this doesn't make any sense....

Just a warning.....

continue(: >>>>>>

|| Elizabeth ||

I sit straight up, my eyes wide, my mouth agape, "Um, Yes! Who doesn't?! He's my favorite singer, Andrew!"

"What? Really?" he smiles.

I nod my head back and forth so fast that I think my brain is shaking.

He starts laughing so hard that he has to catch himself from falling off the bed. "What?" I begin to feel a little judged.

"That's awesome!" he exclaims. "I'm his manager!"

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal, pulling my phone out of my pocket to text, Alex, my best friend and tell her all about it.

Almost immediately she calls.

"Hello?" I answer, waving Andrew out of my room.

I can here her scream, "Your brother knows Shawn Mendes?!"

"I know!" I scream along and jump up and down.

Andy pokes his head in, "Be quiet! We have neighbors!"

"Okay, okay!" I say waving him off once more.

Alex laughs, "You can meet Shawn freakin' Mendes."

"I know, but what do I say? It's Shawn Mendes," I start feeling panicked.

I hear Alex hyperventilating, "I need... my... inhaler... be.... right... back."

I take the moment to scream into my hands.

"Back!" I hear her yell into the phone.

I put the phone back to my ear, "This is real, Alex."

"You are so lucky!" she gushes. "I just wanna come and live with you."

I choke on a laugh, "No, you don't."

"And why is that?" she sounds a little offended.

"Well, it's cold in Canada. I'm still getting used to it," I say.

I can imagine her rolling her eyes, "I don't care. I wanna meet Shawn Mendes. We are gonna get married and have children."

"Um... ew," I say.

Andrew steps in, "Put the phone down and come watch tv with me."

"Hold on, Al," I put the phone against my shoulder and turn to my brother. "What show?"

He shrugs, "I have all of Full House on DVD."

"Nuh uh," I gasp.

He nods, "Mhm."

"Alex, I have to go watch Full House! Bye!" I shout into my phone.

She pouts, "Fine, but call me soon."

"Will do," I say before hanging up. "Andy, I'm gonna change in my pj's, so get out."

"Wow, you've been here for like 5 minutes and you're already telling me to get out of your room," he shakes his head with a smile plastered on his face.

I tighten my eyes closed and form a closed smile as I tilt my head in a way that I look innocent. I close the door behind, then I realize that I had left my suit case by the door. I run out, retrieve it, and finally return to my room.

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