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|| SHAWN ||

It all just happened quickly. From me getting knocked out, to getting Liz back to the apartment to get her things, and explaining to my mom over text that I'll be having her over for a while, and then finally making it home and trying to get Elizabeth to open up even more about everything. I need to know more to understand this whole situation more fully. 

After stomping off to my bedroom, I pull out my guitar and my writing notebook. I think for a couple of moments before words start flowing through my head and onto the lined paper. I strum a few chords on my acoustic guitar, trying out a new tune. As a habit, I reach for my phone to dial Andrew, but just before I tap on his contact, I remember what all happened today. I mean, how do I forget? He hurt my... or Elizabeth, his sister.

Before starting back on my guitar and song writing, there's a knock on my door. I hum the tune so I don't forget it while I lay back on my bed. "Come in!" I holler before continuing on with my humming. I grab my notebook and start reading the lyrics, trying to think of more. 

I look up and Elizabeth is standing there wearing a fake smile on her face, "Hey."

"Oh, hi!" I, for some reason, feel excited to see her. 

She sits on the foot of my bed, clearly nervous, "I wanna talk to you."

"I'm all ears," I grin right at her. 

She scoots a little closer, "Um... So my brother... and my dad... they didn't get along too well."

"Yeah?" I nod, reaching for her hand. 

Her eyes peer into mine, searching for something to trust. "My dad kicked my brother out after Andrew told him that he wasn't going to become a doctor."

"Why?" I feel my face folds into confusion. 

Her breath is shaky a bit, "We have a long family line of doctors, I guess."

I sit quietly, waiting for a longer explanation. 

"He never came back because the way everything went down... it didn't go well," she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

I wait, thinking of what to say, "Liz?"

"Hmm?" she hums looking up into my eyes. 

I fight the smile that is threatening my lips, "Can I play a song for you?"

"Uh.... Sure?" she is taken back by the sudden question. 

I pick up my guitar and find the right chord. I glance down at the paper as I take in a long breath. "She would not show that she was afraid, but being and feeling alone was too much to face. Though everyone said that she was so strong, what they didn't know is that she could barely carry on. But she knew that she would be okay, so she didn't let it get in her way..."

I look up from the instrument and find that Elizabeth's eyes are pooled with tears. "That's all I got," I finally say, dropping my hand from the strings. 

I carefully put my baby back in its case and set it to the side. "Did you... did you write that?" she sniffles, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. 

"Yeah," I blush, awkwardly massaging the back of my neck. "I'm still in the process of writing it, and I think I will need to fix some things because I dunno if it's good-"

"Shut up, it's perfect," she blurts, letting out a soft chuckle. 

I grin, "I'm glad you think so because you know... I'm writing it for you."

"Wait what?" she sits stunned. 

I laugh at her facial expression, "Yeah, you're the inspiration."

Her face slightly darkens into an adorable blush. She peeks up at me through her deep blue eyes. "You're beautiful," I say before I can stop myself. 

"What?" her eyebrows furrow together. 

Screw it.

"You're beautiful, Elizabeth. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen," I continue as I take her hand in mine. 

A soft smile forms on her face as she hangs her head, "You're so weird, Shawn."

"Look at me," I lift her chin with my index finger. 

Her pained blue eyes are slowly fading to gray and I almost cry thinking about how all of her happiness and joy may be dripping out of her soul quicker than I had thought. I caress her face, softly rubbing her right cheek bone with the pad of my thumb. She glances down at my lips, but her eyes quickly flicker back up to meet mine. I slowly lean in and I can feel her breath against my lips just before she pulls back. 

"Shawn..." she whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear. "I can't."

And with that, she leaves me lingering there, looking like a fool.

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