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"Why?" I see Shawn stepping closer to me with confusion blurring his irises. "It's just a date."

I nod, realizing that that's really not the reason I'm crying. I just want my old life. The life I had when I was 7 and free and happy. Nothing worried me. Nothing. My life consisted of smiles, laughter, and bedtime stories. My life now just hates me. It makes me feel like I did something terribly bad in the past and now karma is biting me in the butt.

"I did absolutely nothing," I accidentally blurt, my thoughts suddenly overwhelming the restraints in my mind. 

Shawn just looks at me with both worry and confusion clear on his perfect face. 

I grab at my hair, giving up on the brief moment of hope to pretend I didn't say that. I feel my bottom lip wobbling out of control, "I don't know what I did."

I feel the tall brunette pull me into his familiar embrace. I feel his lips against the top of my head. 

"I just want to know," I softly cry. "why I'm being punished for nothing."

"You're not being punished," Shawn rests his chin on my head. "You're being strengthened."

I stay in his arms, not wanting to move. I look up at him, tears brimming my eyes, "It's too hard, Shawn. I don't think I can lift much more."

"Than let me help you," he says before he leans into me and I feel a pair of soft, plump lips press against my own.

The world stops. 

Everything just freezes. 

I don't give it a second thought when I kiss back. As soon as I figure out what I'm doing and what it can cause in the near future, I pull away with wide eyes, "I..."

"Did that help?" his words cast a spell on me. 

I start to question myself. Did they? Or did they just potentially make everything awkward. I have to admit, it did feel good, and I feel a little lighter, "We should get going."


hey, well that's a bit of a twist. eh maybe not. idk but i'm sorry that it's a shorter chapter than normal, but whatever.

ok bye.


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