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I sit up and gasp. I look around to survey my surroundings. I'm alone. Good. I'm alive. Good. I like it when I survive.

I stand up; unfortunately, as soon as I do, a throw up onto the carpet. When I see that the vomit is sprinkled with blood, I nearly throw up again. Of course. I haven't actually regenerated yet, I've only come back from the dead.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea comes over me. I fall to the floor, clutching my head in pain. As soon as I try to speak, I vomit blood again. But then I see my hands. They're glowing. The regeneration is starting.

I get on both knees as the glow starts to get more intense. Then an unbearable pain racks my body. I scream; I throw my arms and head back. But as my scream intensifies, I hear a boom. All of a sudden, I collapse. The world goes black as I feel my kidneys and heart fail.


"Clara?" I scream. "Clara, where are you?" I run down the staircase, having not seen my faithful companion. When I reach the bottom, Bryan jumps out of the bathroom.

"Doctor!" he says. "Doctor, I have bad news. It's about Clara."

A wave of nausea passes over me. "What is it?"

"I was watching the pool room through the small screen attached to the console. I saw Clara shoot the bomb, and the air around the house rippled. Clara fell to the ground. She woke up, but almost as soon as she started her regeneration, the air around the house rippled again. Clara went down. I think...I think she's dead," Bryan reports.

We hurry to the room to find...a man. A young, brown-haired scruffy man. Who's dressed in the same clothes as Clara was. Which means..."Clara!" I cry. I bend down and touch Clara's neck. There's no pulse. I put my ear to her mouth. No air coming from it. I stand up and look at Bryan. "You're right. She, or rather he, is gone. He was killed while regenerating. After regeneration, actually, by the looks of it. She didn't survive the next body. "

Bryan stares at me, and tears start forming. They slide down my face as the pain of loss kicks in. I can't look at the Ponds' grandkid. "Doctor, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry," Bryan apologizes. He wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder. He lets go after almost 5 minutes. "Come on, Doctor. Let's get to the TARDIS." He lightly guides me to my time machine.

He proceeds to drag me to my bedroom, my cheeks still wet with tears. He pushes me onto my bed. "I'll check on you in a few hours, okay?"

I nod. He leaves my room. I put my head in my pillow and a long, horrible sob escapes my mouth. My best friend is dead.

The TimeLord Who ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now