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   "Doctor? Where'd you say your glasses were again?" I yell. He tells me they're on the console. I look around, but see no glasses. I bend down to search the drawers. I open the first one; nothing. Second drawer; still, nothing. Third drawer; three weird, yellow specks. I pick them up and bring them close to my eye to inspect them. And then, of course, I inhale. Along with the air, the speck fly into my mouth. "Oh, no," I mumble. "Doctor! I think...that I swallowed...something...bad." I collapse, and the world goes dark.

   Suddenly, I'm not in the TARDIS anymore. I'm in a graveyard...with the Doctor? I stand up. "Doctor? What the hell is going on?" I call.

   "Well, we came here for our date, remember?" he replies.

   Suddenly, I do remember. That's right. We've been dating for three years, and we came here for a date. Weird that I'd forget that. "Right! Let's sit down and have lunch," I suggest lightly. We both sit down and the Doctor pulls out a picnic basket. I bring out two PB&J sandwiches while the Doctor produces two apples and some garlic rolls.

   "This is so great. It's 2019, and we've had a great year. I mean, we got married a few months ago, and we had two cute little TimeLord babies named Amelia Rose Oswald and Rory Jack Oswald," he declares. He offers me a roll, and I take a bite out of it. He giggles and takes a bite on the side of the garlic roll. All of a sudden, I hear birds chirping from above in the trees.

   "Doctor, this couldn't be more perfect. Perfect husband, perfect dinner, and the birds are singing to add to the perfection. In fact, I think, I could use a perfect nap...with my...hubby." I fall asleep on him.

I sit up and gasp. Where'd the graveyard go? I'm inside a big, white room. Weird...feels like the graveyard was just a dream. "Doctor?" I call out.

"Yeah?" he says. He wanders over to me.

"Um...where are we? I was just, er, dreaming of us, and I woke up in this room."

"You...were dreaming of us? What happened in the dream?"

"It was 2019, three years after I first regenerated. We were married, we had a kid. But for some reason, we were on a date in the graveyard," I explain.

"Clara...I had the same dream."

I stand up. "What? How is that even possible?" I ask.

"How is a human regenerating possible? Anything can happen in the universe," he tells me. I start pacing. Asleep at the same time, dreaming the same thing. What could be the cause?

I'm about to say something when, suddenly, the four white walls around start descending toward the ground...if there is one. When the walls finish being lowered, I find we're surrounded by...by Daleks. The Doctor and I start moving away from them when I hear birds chirping from above. "Doctor? Why the hell are there birds on a Dalek ship?" I inquire, very confused.

His response is: "Don't know! Maybe..."--my eyes start to droop--"we..."--we start to lower ourselves to the ground--"should ask..."

My eyes fly open, and I take my head off the Doctor's head. "Clara? Did you..."

"Dream we were on a Dalek starship? Yes, I did," I reply.

The Doctor looks at me, then around the graveyard. "Clara, I think we should leave."

"What, why?" I ask as the Doctor starts putting the food back in the basket. He stands up.

"I sense danger here. We just had the same dream. That's not good. And if it means what I think it means, then we're in big, big trouble," he warns me quickly.

"Well what the hell does it--"


"What?" I snap.

"Get to the TARDIS, and make sure the kids are safe. But don't. Even. Blink."

I slowly turn around. A Weeping Angel--a single, lone Weeping Angel--stands, covering her eyes, right behind us. We immediately take a step backward. "Doctor, what do we do?"

"Didn't you just hear me? Go to the TARDIS and don't blink!" he repeats.

I don't argue. I bend down to grab the basket, and when I do, I spin around to leave. Naturally, there's a second Weeping Angel blocking my path. "Doctor, another Weeping Angel is in my way!" Suddenly, birds start tweeting from above. My eyes feel heavy again. "No...sleep..."

I wake up to the sight of five Daleks circling around us shrieking: "No more sleep! No more sleep! Sleep and you will die!"

I rub my forehead and groan. "Doctor, I dreamed of the graveyard again," I inform him.

"So did I." is his response.

"This is not the time for reminiscing! Listen to us! Obey us! Escape and you will die!" they all scream.

The Doctor rolls his eyes. He whispers, "If we make it out of here alive we can discuss this later." He turns back to the Daleks. "What do you rusty tin cans want this time?"

"We want nothing but to feel victorious of the Doctor's death! Kneel down so you may die!" they all demand.

"Clara, you're good at saying No. Talk to them," he tells me.

I nearly slap him. I whisper, "Fine." and turn to the Dalek army. "No! Doctor, now!"

He whips out his sonic screwdriver and clicks the trigger. Not fast enough, though, becuase the birds come back. The world melts into darkness.

"Doctor? This isn't the graveyard," I exclaim when I wake up. "I think we're in Liverpool!"

"The Angels must've gotten us when we were asleep!" he says, throwing his arms up in exasperation.

"Doctor! The kids are back at the graveyard, in the TARDIS! How do we get back to them?" I wonder, scared for my children.

"I don't know!" a random, feminine voice says from behind me. We turn around to find a blonde, long-haired girl with green eyes wearing a light-blue tanktop and red skinny jeans. She's the exact opposite of me. I'm wearing a dark-red tanktop with blue jeans and long, black hair with blue eyes.

"Wha--who're you?" I blurt.

"Clara! I'm you! I'm the DreamLady!" she squeaks. "Two scenarios, one's real and one's dream. Figure out which one's which, you're home free! Bye!" She snaps her fingers, and the Doctor and I blink. She's gone.

"Doctor! What the crap was that?" I scream.

He puts his hands on my shoulder. "Clara, honey. We need to...to kill ourselves," he says gently.

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