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Eldane's expression turns grim. "The Monzul is awake? After all these years?" he asks, clearly worried.

"I'm afraid so, Eldy. Can you help us save the country?" the Doctor repeats hopefully.

Eldane starts pacing. "If it really is active, that's a huge problem. We could barely contain him the last time he surfaced. The Monzul took out over 500 of us before we finally put it to sleep," he explains. "Our race has doubled in size, but I would rather not face the same amount of loss."

Bryan puts a hand on the elder Silurian's shoulder. "Please, sir. Hundreds of U.K.'s citizens are probably being eaten alive right now! My grandmother has saved your people before; she told me the story. Now's your chance to return the favor," he says, full well meaning each word. I can see in his eyes that, if the lizard man doesn't oblige, he won't back down.

Eldane regards him with familiarity. "You have the same determination as your grandma. I admire that," he admits. "Okay, we'll help." He turns around to face his guards. "Gather the rest of the army. We have a beast to fight!"

The Silurian guards march off to wake the others up from their pods. I go over to Bryan and pat him on the back. "Nice touch with the fire eyes," I compliment.

He glances at me. "Thanks, Clara. Must've taken a lot of courage to compliment me due to the obvious fact you don't like me. I'm gonna go...flirt," he whispers.

My jaw drops. Since when did Mr. Perfect develop an attitude?

Walking away, he smirks at me. He walks over to the Doctor and starts chatting him up. "Boy troubles?" Eldane says. Somewhere within the last minute, he came over to see me.

"Yeah," I mutter unhappily. "I never liked that boy. He just came clambering up to the TARDIS and soon as the Doctor and him meet, it's like they're immediate BFFs. Then he think he can steal my boyfriend from me."

"Bryan knows you don't like him. He's probably just trying to get back at you. Ignore him, and you'll be fine," Eldane tells me reassuringly. The sound of boots hitting the floor fill the cavern. Triple the amount of Silurians that were here before enter. They stand at attention. "Well, wasn't that quick. General Tzursack! Organize them into lines of two hundred and send them into the transports."

A Silurian, General Tzursack I assume, comes forward and turns toward the army. "You heard Eldane! There are only three transport tubes, so get into three lines of two hundred soldiers each! When you're done board the transportation tubes; remember, one at a time!"

They all get into formation and march off to the tubes, leaving Eldane, Bryan, the Doctor and I alone. The Doctor gathers us together and tells us to get to the TARDIS so we can meet the othrer Silurians overground. We all board the time machine, and the Doctor turns it on. He presses a button, and the TARDIS' engine starts. After a minute of whirring, the TARDIS comes to a stop. We all step out to find the whole army is already on ground level. "Doctor, how'd they beat us here?" I ask.

"I sent us one hour into the future at this spot," he explains. "I wouldn't be able to stand waiting that long for a bunch of over-grown lizards. No offense to you, Eldane."

Eldane chuckles. "Don't worry, I've heard worse. Okay, Bryan go locate the monster. Clara, just...make yourself useful. Doctor, you can make sure Bryan doesn't blow up your time machine. General Tzursack, keep the army in check," Eldane demands. Bryan heads back to the TARDIS, as does the Doctor. I stay where I am because I have nothing to do.

Or do I? Oh, hell, I'll get to the TARDIS, to or I'll bore myself to deaths. I pursue the two boys and close the door behind me. To my surprise, the men aren't in the console room. Where'd they go?

I enter the bedroom hall. I peer through the peephole on my door; my room's empty. I look through the Doctor's peephole. It's just luck I don't give myself away by gasping. Because there are people in the Doctor's room. The Doctor. Plus Bryan. And they're kissing.

I hear the Doctor say, "Bryan Arthur Pond, you are a miracle. My miracle."

Bryan responds with: "Doctor, this is wrong. You and Clara are together. I mean, I know she hates me, but this is still wrong." Tears start to form. The Doctor was the kisser? But...he's with me. And--and Bryan. He's actually protecting me? "Besides, what if it was the other way around? What if Clara and I were kissing? How would you feel?"

The Doctor sighs. "You're right. We should go locate the Monzul now."

"Yeah." I hear them get up, and I panic. I flee to the console room and locate the beast quickly. When they enter the room, concealing my feelings the best I can, I grin.

"Hello, boys. I already found the thing. By the way..." I strut over to them and push their heads toward mine; and putting as much hurt in my voice as I can muster, I continue with: "How'd you like each other?" I turn around, walk to the doors, kick them open, and step out. I close the doors.

I find Eldane and stand by him whilst waiting for them to finish reacting to my comment and come out. Eldane looks at me. "More boy troubles?" he asks me.

"Oh, yeah," I mutter. "Those boys will be in trouble."

"I won't push. So, have you located the beast?" he wonders.

"Yeah," I mumble.

"Do you mind telling me where it is so we can subdue it?" Eldane presses gently.

"Oh. Um, yeah. It's a mile into Manchester, UK. You should probably go tell General Tzursack," I tell him glumly.

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