Key To My Heart? Hot Pants.

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Natalie looked down into her empty Styrofoam cup. "Ugh, I don't want to go back home. I'm sick of being under house arrest."

A twinge of guilt hit me. Sitting forward, I brought my hands together. "If that wasn't all happening, what would you want to do? Maybe we could work something out."

She sighed. "Oh, I don't know. Going to the beach, seeing a movie... seeing my friends."

"Yeah, sorry about that. We can't get your friends involved."

A hand was waved. "I know. I just like to complain."

"You're complaining rightfully, though. It's dumb that you need protection from things that shouldn't even be in your world."

A small smile came to her face and she put her hand on mine. "And you shouldn't have been demoted to babysitter."

When her hand didn't move I got nervous. "I, I mean, this isn't really babysitting. I'm more like an alpha male protecting master."

Unfortunately, she found that funny and sat back and away from my sweaty hand.

"Kayla told me she heard that you were the only one to suggest making sure I was safe."

My brain went spazzy. Was it weird that I had wanted that? I hadn't even known her when I suggested it to the council.

"Well, erm, yeah of course. I felt like you were in danger."

"Yeah?" she questioned, with slightly raised eyebrows. It had gotten quiet in the café.

"Don't you think you were in a bit of trouble?"

"Oh, for sure," she assured. "I'm just glad you said something to your leaders, or whatever." When she spoke, her lips were saying the words with a normal voice, but she was looking at me with distracted eyes. Her distracted look made me distracted and I ended up staring at her, lost in thought, like an idiot.

"Or whatever..." I repeated with a mumble, like a complete buffoon.

She smirked and shook her head a bit as if she was laughing at me. "You want to go for a walk?"

"Yeah," I replied, "sure."

It was a bit chilly, given the time of year, but the jackets we had were warm enough and our bellies were full of hot chocolate, so I felt good and I think Natalie did too.

"So," Natalie started. We walked side by side along the shops that looked like they had been glued together. I definitely did not notice every time her arm or hand brushed mine, and I for sure did not have a mental clock in my head timing the seconds until she would accidentally brush me next. It averaged to be about every twenty seconds.

She continued, "So, about this full body cast."

"What about it?"

"What I would like to know, good sir, is how you managed to pull something off like that."

"Years of practice," I mumbled sarcastically.

She surprised me with a nice little laugh and stopped in front of a store window.

"No, I'm serious. How did that happen and how are you in one piece?"

I watched her peer at the toys that had been set up for people like us who were maybe kids or possibly had kids. I don't know, it was pretty picturesque.

When she looked back to me I answered. "I had some issues with a mechanical dragon."

I waited for a response but all I was given was a tug at her lips like she was trying not to laugh.

Jake Mason and the HumanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora