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Standing next to the cot where my dad was lying and hardly breathing, the tears were streaming down my face.
"Why? What did I make wrong?"
God, please, I wanna see my dad alive! I won't overcome his death after mother's one...
"Mary, please, go and have a rest. I'll be here.", Josh touched my shoulder with his arm.
"No", I've ignored his advice.
"Meredith...", seriously said he.
"Stick away from me!", shouted I.
"Keep calm" answered he
"I won't go anywhere."raising my voice said I.
"But you haven't slept for 2 days", added he.
"I don't want to sleep! Everything's alright with me! Go away!", I got into hysterics.
"Nurse!", called Josh leaving the ward. I was still crying.
Suddenly, someone took my arm. I started to panic. I was shouting, crying for help, shoving my legs but nobody heard me. Just then, I heard the voice which said:
'Sedate her!'
After a few seconds I felt the needle in my arm. It was a demulcent. Then I jacked and fell asleep.

From author

Maybe the thoughts like "who's she?" or " why does she behave this way?" were visiting you while you were reading this book. Let's figure it out.
Meredith Green- the girl who's 19. She's simple Englishwoman with dark hair and brown eyes. She studies ecology. Meredith has lost her mom when she was 14. Her mother died because of cancer. After her death, Meredith had in a huge depression. But the life was going on and she had recovered from it. Her best friend had been her dad who had always cheered her up and every night looking at their family photo he remembered his favourite wife.
Everything was alright till he had an accident where was hardly hurt. Now he's lying in hospital and his results are getting worse and worse every day.
Meredith hadn't have a proper sleep and food. She just cried and asked herself "Why?"
Josh is her uncle. He took care of Meredith while his brother was in hospital.

Meredith felt oppressed.

From Meredith
Slowly opening my eyes, I tried to get up from cot. I couldn't feel anything but a huge pain. I tried to make some steps, but giddiness didn't let me go. My eyes were closing again and I fainted.
I woke up feeling little bit better. It was a late night. Fortunately, I could go. After leaving my room, I felt the whiff of spirit and chlorine. I had a headache and nausea. This hospital kinda home for me. By the way, what time is it? How long have I been sleeping?

I tried to find the way to the dad's room. One the way to his ward I looked at the mirror. My head was a disaster and my face was as as white as a face of vampire. Also I had a baggy skin below the eyes. Every person who'll see me will say that I'm like ghost...

When I entered the ward, I heard the sound of the instrumentations. They made me calm. Josh was sleeping on the sofa. I sat next to him. He opened his eyes. D'oh! I made him to wake up.
'How are you?', asked he
'Little bit better. How long had I been sleeping?'
'Hmm... 22 hours. Are you hungry? Should I bring something to eat?'
'no, no thanks... Josh...'
'What will be if... If... he'll die?', the tears appeared on my face.
'Hey! Let's don't think about it! He won't! He's strong enough!', answered Josh.
'Are you sure?'
"Yes, I am... And now, you have to go home and have a good sleep, eat a lot of food. And tomorrow you'll come. If something happens, I'll call you.", said he caring.
"Well.. Ok... But I broke my phone...", sadly answered I.
"Take this one. I bought it yesterday for you and here's your new SIM card.", he gave me the box with iPhone 5s in it.
"Thank you so much!", I hugged him strongly. Then I left the hospital and went to the car park where my car was. Finally I drove home!

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