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When Josh brought the chemists, I was sitting on sofa searching the internet. Suddenly I remembered that Liam wanted to ask me something so I wrote him a message:
Me: did you want to ask something?

The answer came immediately.

Liam: hi there! Well... the question was about our first talk. I mean you were crying and I thought if you need some help...

I didn't want to answer this question but then, something unusual feeling inside me made me believe this person.

Me: my dad had an accident three days ago... Now, he's at hospital and there is a little per cent that he's gonna be alive. Just next day I saw a nightmare. I had a new phone, so I didn't remember Josh's number and accidentally called you.

Liam: oh... I'm so sorry... Anyway... How can I help?

Me: what d' u mean?

Liam: money

Me: no no! I live in quite a rich family. Thanks still;)

Liam: be strong! I'm sure everything's gonna be alright! How's ur mom btw?

Me: she died when I was 14...

Liam: my apologises. I'm sure you aren't so crazy to think about suicide! Or I'll find you;)

Me: no way! How?

Liam: well... I know ur number. That's enough!

Me: you're an idiot Liam...

Liam: who...me?

Me: is there another Liam who I'm talking to?

Liam: maybe


Liam didn't answer. I opened SoundCloud and searched for "One Direction"
. Wow! Million results! I decided to listen to Story of my life... Actually, I didn't understand where was Liam's solo.
Then I searched for Liam. He was so handsome! He had nut brow hair and brown eyes. Of course I found out that he was dating with Sophia Smith. Just then I found an article about Liam's past... It was so awful! So sad...

The only thing I understood that they've blown up the internet and fandom.

20%! Oh God! I had to turn off my internet and put my phone to charge. It was 9.05 already. So I fell asleep.

Wrong number [English translation]Where stories live. Discover now