◭Forty four◭

11 1 0

WARNING! Contains Larry scenes!
'Merie, come on! Let's go!' Asked Liam.

'Go? Where?' answered I.

'Come on! That's Major Lazer - Lean On! Let's have a dance!' He took my arm and we went straight to dancing floor. There were so many people and no one was paying attention at what were the others doing. But we were just dancing trying to copy every move from the music video. Still, I would better not mention what we got instead!

'Come...' we went straight to the kitchen, there were no people. Still, IS THAT REAL?!?!?!?!?!

Harry and Louis were standing next to the fridge with that weird smiles on their faces. Moreover, Louis was tousling Harry's curly hair!

'Oh, guys! I didn't expect to see you here!' Wondered Liam.

'Actually, Liam, we didn't know you were here too!' Said Louis having a slightly red face.

'Liam, hey, I wanna Eat!' I found some salami on the table, put it on a piece of bread and enjoyed the prepared burger.

'Mmm, mojito?' Asked I seeing some liquid in the glass.

'Yes! Chin-chin!' Said he.

'Cheers!' We drank that tasty drink.

'Hey guys! Barmen are now giving out tequila in the garden! Come with me!'

We had nothing left to do but to drink this tequila.

'How long ago... *hiccup*... have you partied like that?' his tongue was lwisting, like literally twisting. He was already drunk.

'Oh long ago! I think it was high school.' we were sitting on the bench, away rom everyone. After only one shot I started feeling myself more loose kind of.

'I didnt think that *hickup* a girl that accidentally calls me *hickup* will be come the love of my life' his was smiling widely.

'Well, I would've never thought that a worlwide phenomenon like you would actually date me' answred I.

'Are you happy?' he asked fixedly looking into my eyes.

'Maybe' I bit my lower lip. After that our lips came close into kiss, when our tongues tied and it was as hot as if the fire was in us travelling into each other with more power. This was such a turning on kiss. My hands were playing with his hair and in just a seconf I was lying on that bench and he is over me. We were feeling so hot, it was burning the air making it more difficult for us to breathe. My consciousness was not saying anything... Wait, why is it not saying anything?!

'Khm, well hello!' said the voie nearby... Harry, of course! He made us freak out so that the next second instead of the very comfortable bench, our backs were sore from the cold ground.

'What on Earth are you doing here?' angtily asked Liam. Harry was just laughing and I know this smile will be removed in a second.

'You!' I screamed. 'You, bastard! The hell is wrong with you?! My heart was just this close to stop! This was one of the most important moments in my life and you spoiled it! Go, try the same with Louis, I am sure he'll like that!' I definately need to shut up... And stop drinking.

'Wait... Did you guys want to... Do it here? At the party, on the bench, outside?' He was really making fun of every single word I said.

'Hazz, just shut up! We're leaving!' he took my hand and we mow were ready to leave. Liam was stairing at me, waiting for my reaction.'Just don't... ask anything... just yet...' I begged him, he nodded, agreeing and we left the party.

Hey everyone! I am back! Won't say much, just read the little announcement on my page! M

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