And The Lowly Shall Rise

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Every soul had taken flight, but one.

The people of the village ran, terrified, into the hills—the Outcast, Fremqul, walked down the steep path from his hideout in the hills.

The people had been warned about the HydraWoman approaching the village—Fremqul didn't have a clue.

He did wonder at their mass exodus but decided the Sun was, quite surprisingly, blessing him.

Plenty of time to ransack their huts—find those gems they hide away...

There was no value in the gems for Fremqul but to stare at them and watch the Sun play in their depths...

He had been banned from the village twenty years before—made an Outcast by the people, turned himself into a Berserker—none being able to stop him when he had worked himself up for an attack.

He worshiped but two things—the Sun and the gems that so loved the Sun...

No need today for the crazed running and wild gyrations he used to avoid the villagers' spears, no need to get in and out quickly—he strolled toward the village, thanking the Sun.

He approached the Headman's hut, sure of finding the most gems in this most elaborate dwelling.

He was right—left the hut with gems dripping from his hands.

This was when he heard the wailing...


He ducked back into the hut, threw the gems he had into a basket along with six more handfuls, rushed back out and saw the Monster floating rapidly towards him.

Then... HydraWoman stopped advancing, turned, and hissed horribly, her multitudinous arms flailing.

Fremqul spotted her worry—Tusker, the giant Boar.

She looks afraid... What in Sun's name is happening?

Fremqul then noticed the trail of blood and the spout of crimson issuing from the Boar's back.

Boar can't die...? blood poison for HydraWoman...?

The Boar was snorting at the Hydra and the Hydra was spewing a green gas as she hissed—the gas, in fact, capable of killing the Boar.

The standoff fascinated Fremqul. He slowly circled the Headman's hut, positioning himself to watch and, hopefully, not be noticed...

He had never actually seen Tusker or HydraWoman—certainly had heard about them as he grew up...

Blood stopping Hydra. Gas holding off Tusker...

He decided the confrontation was really none of his business and slowly began a backwards retreat toward the hills.

Tusker backed away from the Hydra and made a wide circle that began to look like it might end up between Fremqul and the hills.

Just as Fremqul got to the path up, Tusker had arrived in front of him, facing the towering Hydra.

Damn! Blood and gas both deadly... Rushing up hill dangerous...

He froze to the spot and began to pray aloud:

"Oh! Sun Father!

I am a gross sinner!

But, I am still Thy child!

Please, protect me!!"

Tusker and HydraWoman were still locked in mutually repelling confrontation and Fremqul didn't dare move...

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