The Insane Astrologer

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The World was in trouble.

At least according to Maslestes.

He walked out of his hut and gazed at the heavens.

He walked back in and adjusted the spheres, yet again.

No doubt. There is no doubt... No one will believe me...

He placed his planetary apparatus on its shelf and remembered the view through his lenses.

If it were not for the Oracle Writings, I would doubt my eyes...

He resolved to go to the Palace and inform the King.


King Aclez was shooing his concubines away as Maslestes entered.

"My trusted astrologer, what have you discovered in the months you have been absent in that rude hut on the Olentus Plain?"

"My King. I have supremely disturbing news..."

"Before the mid-day meal? Shall we have a tankard of the new wine before you reveal this news?"

"We all may want to consume unlimited tankards..."

"You do truly seem disturbed, Maslestes..."

"I have repeated my observations twenty times as well as reading the Oracle Writings till my eyes blurred..."


"The World is in grave trouble..."

"Maslestes, come out with your news or begone. I interrupted my amusements for this audience!"

"My Dear King... You are aware of the scrolls in the Oracle Writings that refer to the Sky Gods' War?"

"Maslestes! We sat together long ago and consulted about those scrolls! If you don't come out with your worries immediately, I will throw you in the dungeon!!"

Maslestes gulped a breath and said:

"It relates to the flash of light the travelling merchants reported last season. I have confirmed that Venus and Mars have altered their paths and are at War..."

"As they have been forever. As some of my concubines attempt with me; but, good gods, why make such fuss, Maslestes? Would you like to borrow two or three of my lovelies?"

"Oh, my King, I speak hard truth. I have seen strings of light passing between Venus and Mars. I have observed their paths through the heavens changing for ten years but not mentioned it... The Gods and Goddesses do what they will... But, the Oracles clearly state, 'When Venus and Mars exchange their light, Beware!' We must heed the Warning and remove ourselves to the Caves of Teluran!"

"Begone, Maslestes!"


Maslestes was banished from his apartments in the Palace.

He lived in his hut for the next five years and only saw the daughters of his friend, Yusel, as they brought him food each day.

He did not speak to them.

Yusel had visited a few times but finally stopped coming to the hut.

He remembered Yusel's words as he left: "Maslestes, you are insane but I love you. My daughters will continue to bring food and I will pray the Gods you are healed."

He checked his latest calculations.

No doubt... They are approaching and at increasing speed...


After a few years, people finally began to notice the new phenomenon in the sky---two of the God Stars had the most entrancing streams of light playing between them.

Some folk had visited Maslestes but he would speak to no one...


Maslestes packed up his scrolls and went to the Caves of Teluran.

Yusel's daughters tracked him down and brought him food.

Eventually, Yusel arrived at the Caves.


"I am here..."

Yusel could not see his friend but said:

"I am worried, Maslestes. Do you still inhabit your body? Is your soul still with us?"

"I am sane, my dear friend, but no one else is seeing clearly. The light streams between Venus and Mars are beautiful but deadly. The Lovers are at War and are approaching our World, more swiftly each day..."

"Wh--- What will happen?"

"Flames of light will engulf our World. Most of us will die..."

"What can we do?!"

"If you are sane, you will come live in the Caves and you will try to convince others..."


It took another year for Venus and Mars to come near enough so people could see their bodies and not just their light.

The flames between their bodies were bright enough to add a glow to the Moon's luminance and could be dimly seen even in full daylight.

Yusel and his family had moved to the Caves, as well as five other families.

The King had ordered his merchants to obtain one thousand casks of wine from Peluin.


The Lovers had approached the World closely, then retreated.

Terrible bolts of lightning had scorched the World, leaving supreme destruction.

The people in the Caves of Teluran were pondering how to coax the earth back to life...


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