The Minotaur's Maze

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People called me a Minotaur, but that is only because I had the head and tail of a bull...

I was really nothing like the Myth---well, not really...

I will share what Lie Swallower has written of it...


There was a family in the Gagieo Valley with many children---twenty at last count.

Most folk called the family Kin.

Then, there was Kith---all of Kin's so-called acquaintances and friends.

Kith became jealous of Kin---jealous of all the children, some say...

My name is Cleudiona but people call me Lie Swallower, ever since my friend Xiethan had the God of Throble give him the head and tail of a bull---

Well, let me start more toward the beginning by sharing some of the reports of our local Scribe...


~ 5th of Selvan

Kith has claimed there is a monster roaming in the woods of Sarjei.

Kith has also claimed this monster has the head and tail of a bull.

I will be attempting to look into the matter.

~ 10th of Selvan

I have not been harmed.

It is true that a creature with the head and tail of a bull is in the Sarjei woods.

I saw it but did not stay long.

It seemed to be crying...

~ 21st of Selvan

It is true.

Kin has sent their eldest child into the woods---into the deepest part---the Maze of Threl.

Kith has claimed the child has been eaten by the creature.

I did enter the woods again but nearly lost my way at the entrance to Threl.

I am not sure how to validate the claim of Kith.


This is Lie Swallower again.

Right after that last report by our Scribe, people began to call my friend, Xiethan, the Minotaur.

Naturally, this made the fear of folks climb to a peak.

Kith tried to call on the King of distant Buisonmai to send troops to kill the Minotaur.

The King refused.

Kin would not talk to anyone and they sent another child into the Maze...


I must go even further back in time...

My friend, Xiethan, was a first cousin of the father of Kin.

They both had a high degree of what I can only call Spirit.

Not the spirits of the idols that Kith sell---some real power that can not be seen but will be felt by folk who are sincere of heart...

About a year ago, Kin's father sent Xiethan on a mission to the Throble mountains.

This was when Kith were still accounted as friends and acquaintances of Kin.

Yes, it is true that Kin's father scared Kith---they could not understand why but I think it was because of his Spirit...

Yet, they acted like all was well---until Xiethan went to the mountains.

It was all so confusing...

Kith began to put some of their larger idols around the home of Kin.

People began to avoid dealing with Kin.

Kin's father announced that the departure of Xiethan was a solution for the problem.

Now, two of the Kin children are in the Maze and a third has just left to join them...


I had to interrupt my tale to make a venture into the Maze...

Some of Kith had surrounded the Maze and it took me nearly a full day to slip in unnoticed---they clearly wanted to harm me...

I am now back and must admit I still can't understand what is happening...

I visited with Xiethan and the children of Kin.

All were well, though Xiethan is not what he used to be---not only because of the bull's head and tail...

The children are just fine---happier than I have ever seen them.


Sorry, another interruption---I had to rally a few of our stronger men to protect Kin---Kith is becoming completely unmanageable!

Oh, twelve more of Kin's children are in the Maze...

I will return as soon as possible.........


This is Xiethan.

My dear friend, Cleudiona, called Lie Swallower, is dead...

My normal body has returned but I am a very confused man...

The children are all safe...

The children are full of Spirit...

I was merely a Pathway for the Spirit of the God of Throble...

Almost all of Kith is dead...

Some from insanity, some from attempting to kill others, some from becoming lost in the Maze...

Cleudiona died while protecting me and the children from Kith...

My cousin, Kin's father, has been trying to explain what has happened...

Some of it makes sense, most of it seems extremely unreal...

I trusted him when he sent me to the mountains...

I still trust him...

He says it is the working of Spirit...

He says the God of Throble had decided there needed to be more people with Spirit and Kin's children were the ones best able to handle it...

All I did was sit there, mostly crying...

The children would come to me, touch my head, and declare they were of a new Mind...

I don't know...

I feel it all may be just a Myth.........


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