Goodbye Clara

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Ok so I know I promised you guys fluff, and fluff you shall get very soon. If you hated Clara, feel free to jump off a cliff I mean not read this part. If you're behind on Doctor Who, read this or don't. I don't know how many spoilers I'll give away. This is just my tribute to by far the best companion in all of Doctor Who.
Clara was dreaming.
The last thing she had seen was the Raven's black smoke exiting her mouth, the last thing she had felt was the countdown on her neck tick down to zero as she collapsed on this unfamiliar street. But now, here she was.
She stood above her own body, tears streaming down her face. It was so...surreal. The Doctor stood at the entrance to the same building he'd been in before. And he was crying. Not the small, attempting-to-hold-it-together sniffles he's shown as the Eleventh Doctor. His hands were over his face and his shoulders shook with sobs. Clara wanted to touch him, to reach out and hug the man who was not a hugger one more time, but she knew she couldn't.
The Doctor murmured her name over and over, "Clara...Clara...Clara..." How perfectly heartbreaking. She could somehow sense that he was running through a list of ways to get her back, and that he didn't care about the safety of the damn universe because Clara and he could fix it, once they were together again.
Clara shook her head. "Oh, Doctor, don't." She murmured. Her voice sounded strange, like a whisper of wind.
Clara knew a way to convey one final message to the Doctor. If he could project his thoughts to her, maybe she could send her thoughts to him. She pressed her hands to the sides of his head and thought five words. The same five words, over and over again. A single tear traced her cheek as she sprouted lovely wings, as white as the Raven's were black, and soared toward heaven.
The Doctor stared up in amazement and pure heartbreak as Clara's final message came through.
"I was brave. Goodbye, Doctor."
Welp. I cried while writing that. I am going to miss Clara so much. I mean, did the creators really have to release the episode where she died so close to her freaking birthday?! Like I am not okay. If anyone from school happens to be reading this, I might not be in tomorrow. Or Tuesday.

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