-Chapter 5-

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It was finally the day. The day I was going to be on "Dance Moms". My mom and I had arrived in California two days earlier, so we had time to walk around and tour the area.
I woke up that morning bright and early, which is strange if you know me. I slipped on a red sports bra and some black jazz shorts in the spirit of the ALDC. My mom helped my pack a small dance bag, then we left for ALDC LA.

"It's finally here!" I squealed.
"I'm so happy for you hon!" my mom replied smiling.
"I really hope they like me." I said nervously.
"Of course they will! You're amazing." my mom reassured me.

When we finally arrived, I practically jumped out of the car and through the front doors. My mom and I walked in together and walked up to the front desk.

"We have Brynn Rumfallo here." my mom said to the lady.
"Hello Brynn! It's nice to meet you! The girls are right over there!" the lady chirped, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders as she spoke.

We walked down the hallway and turned the corner. There sat the girls, talking and laughing. As we walked closer, they turned and looked at me.

"Brynn!" shouted Kalani, running over towards me.
"Kalani!" I screamed, hugging her tightly.
"I'm so excited you're here!" she exclaimed.
"I'm really excited to be here!" I giggled.

My mom walked into a room where the rest of the moms were sitting, and I joined Kalani and the other girls.

"For those of you who have bad memories, cough cough Kendall." Kalani started, causing the girls to giggle. "This is Brynn Rumfallo."
"Yo, what's up." I said in a strange voice.
"Hey!" Kendall cheered. "It's cool to have you here! We're all super excited."
"You'll have tons of fun here!" Maddie said smiling.
"I bet." I replied.

Soon, Abby called us into studio C. The cameras hadn't started rolling yet, so I felt a bit more comfortable.

"Welcome girls, hello Brynn. Good to have you back." Abby said loudly, her voice echoing throughout the room. "Let's get ready. Five minutes till camera."

Abby then lined us up. Mackenzie, Maddie, me, Kendall, Nia , Kalani, Jojo.
Jojo was jumping around to as she called, 'channel her energy', which made us all laugh. Soon, the cameras began to roll.
It was just like watching the show, except..
1) I am ON the show
2) there's many "bonus features"
We went through pyramid, then assignments, then warm ups. It was all pretty much a blur to me, mostly because of the mix of excitement and nervousness.
Soon, we were allowed a small lunch break.

"How do you like it so far?" Mackenzie asked, sitting down next to me.
"It's cool. Actually, amazing!" I said.
"Yeah. It's tiring though. You'll understand once we film more." she sighed.
"I beg. All the competitions and early wakeups." I said.
"Yeah. Do you want to hangout with me and the girls tonight?" Mackenzie asked me, taking a sip of water.
"Sure! That would be awesome!" I replied smiling.
"Awesome! I'll tell my mom." she responded.

My first day and I was already fitting in pretty well. Things were turning out to be amazing.

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