--Chapter 16--

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I woke up on Monday morning bright and early for filming. I got up, showered, brushed my teeth and hair, and got changed into my dance clothes. Abby always insists that we coordinate what we wear, which none of us understand.
Today, we had to wear a neon dance top of some sort and black shorts. I quickly got changed and walked into my mom's room.

"Ready?" I asked.
"One moment, I'll meet you downstairs." she replied.

I walked back into my room to collect my things, then walked out the door and down the hallway to the elevator. As soon as it opened, I hopped in and pressed the "1".
After a few awkward minutes of standing in the elevator with total strangers, we arrived at the lobby. I walked over to the breakfast buffet they had out and grabbed a red apple.
I decided to go on Snapchat as I waited for my mom. I opened it up and watched my friends stories. One was of Bostyn getting thrown into her pool by Nathan and Brandt. Another was Carlee doing an incredible triple pirouette on pointe. I smiled as I watched, by deep inside it made me a little sad. I missed my Club friends. Right as I was about to watch Jenna's, my mom arrived.

" ready?" she asked.
"Yep!"  I replied.

We walked down to where we parked out car, got inside, and drove to the ALDC.


As soon as we got there, I was attacked with hugs from Kalani and Mackenzie.

"We missed you this weekend!" Kenzie said.
"I missed you too! Sorry I couldn't go." I replied.
"That's okay!" she said smiling. "Maybe another time."

We continued to talk about our weekend, the competition, and anything else we could think of.

"Girls!" barked Abby. "Pyramid is beginning."

We all walked into the studio where Abby had place the pyramid on the wall. We quickly lined up and began to pyramid.

"Okay." Abby began. "Great job to all of you at the competition, you all did very well. Brynn, congratulations on first overall. Also good job to our first overall group!"

The girls all clapped, but I knew one's was fake.

"Now, let's get to the pyramid." she said. "On the bottom, we have Nia."
"Why is that!" Mrs. Holly asked.

I hoped this wouldn't turn into an argument.

"She wasn't bad, she just needed to work on making the moves sharper." Abby replied, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice. "Anyways! Next, we have Kendall. Kendall, you need to work on your faces! You need to show emotion."
"She did show emotion!" Jill said.
"But she needs to show more." Abby replied.

I didn't mind pyramid, but I hated all the arguments it started. I always tried to block them out.

"Next, we have Jojo. Jojo, you need to be more flowy with the moves. You showed good emotion, but don't be so stiff." Abby said, and Jojo nodded. "Next we have Mackenzie, followed by Kalani. You two both did a great job, great performances."

I could feel Maddie glancing over at me.

"Next, we have Maddie. Maddie you did good but you got second." Abby said. "And on top we have our overall first place soloist Brynn!"

The moms and girls applauded.

"Brynn you did incredible, you messed up but you covered it up well and won. Good job." Abby exclaimed. "Okay! This week, we have a new group and two duets."

We applauded once again.

"The group is a jazz number entitled, 'Practically Perfect'." she said. "And in the dance, you will all be butterflies."

We all burst into applause, some into laughter. It was an interesting concept.

"Our first duet, goes to Brynn and Kalani." Abby said.

Kalani and I ran and hugged each other.

"Okay, okay." Abby sighed. "Our next duet goes to Maddie and Kendall!"

Maddie and Kendall had the same reaction as Kalani and I.

"Maddie and Kendall will have a lyrical duet entitled 'Darkness and Shine'. Kalani and Brynn's will be entitled 'One Day'. Let's begin choreography!"


After a long day of choreography, Kalani and I had learned our duet, which I thought had amazing choreography.
I walked out of the studio, practically dragging my bag behind me.

"Before we go to the hotel, we need to stop and pick something up really quick." said my mom, opening the car door.
"Okay. What is it?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." she replied.

sorry for yet, another uneventful chapter. it will get better, I promise.
what do you think brynn and her mom are going to get? comment what you think!
I hope you're all having a great day!


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