--Chapter 21--

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Maddie and Kendall walked on stage, immediately jumping into character. They took their starting poses and waited for the music to begin.
The farther into their dance they got, the more my legs shook from underneath me.
I stepped back and sat down on the floor.

"I can't do this." I sighed, placing my hands on my forehead.
"Yes you can. Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? What happened to the confident Brynn I know?" Kalani asked.

I bit my bottom lip, attempting to avoid ruining my lipstick. I hadn't told anyone but Jenna about the Maddie situation. I wanted to tell Kalani, but Kalani and Maddie were good friends. I didn't want to pull Kalani into this, and then have the whole team find out.

"Brynn, is everything alright?" Kalani asked.
"I really don't want to talk about it." I replied.
"Okay, but you know you can tell me anything, right?" Kalani said, placing her hand on my shoulder as a smile came across her face.
"Thank you." I responded.

Kalani stood up and began walking back to the wings to see the rest of the dance.

"Kalani?" I quietly called.
"Yeah?" Kalani replied, turning around to face me.
"Please don't tell anyone about this." I said to her.
"I won't." she said back, before turning back around to watch.

I smiled and pushed myself up off of the floor. I walked over beside Kalani, then sat back down by her feet.
I peaked out onto the stage to see Maddie and Kendall finishing their dance. Maddie bent over as Kendall did a cartwheel over her back, then rolled to the floor. Maddie then ran over to Kendall, standing with her back to Kendall's back. They both bent down slightly and raised one of their arms into the air, the music stopping seconds later.
The audience began to applaud as the two walked off stage toward Kalani and I.

"That was incredible!" Kalani exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Maddie.
"Great job!" I said to Kendall, pulling her into a hug.
"Thank you!" Kendall replied, trying to catch her breath as she hugged Kalani.
"Good job." I said to Maddie as she walked past me.
"Thanks." Maddie replied. "Good luck."
"Thank you." I said, as Kendall and Maddie walked back to the table where their water bottles were.

"Up next, we have number 143, Castles." the announcer said over the microphone.

Two more until Kalani and I went on. I jumped in place as music for the next routine began to play.
Kendall must have noticed my jumping, because a few moments later she walked over and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Deep breaths." she said.
"Okay." I replied.
"I'm serious. Take a deep breath." Kendall added.

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Good." Kendall said. "Now just imagine yourself dancing in the hotel room alone with Kalani."
"Okay." I said. "Thank you."
"Anytime." Kendall said, walking back to Maddie.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, the room falling silent. One more number.


"Up next, we have number 145, One Day." the announcer voice boomed throughout the auditorium.
"Let's do this." Kalani whispered.
"Let's go win." I replied, a smile crossing my face.

Kalani and I walked onstage side by side. I could hear the moms and Jenna cheering. I smiled as I moved into my starting pose. The music then began and we started the dance.


We ran through it smoothly, only one tiny slip on my part. When the music began to end, we sank down to the floor for our ending pose.
The music ended and the crowd applauded.

"Go Brynn and Kalani!" I heard Jenna's tiny voice yell.

I laughed a tiny bit as Kalani and I walked off stage. When we reached the wings, we jumped into a hug.

"That was so good!" she squealed.
"We did awesome!" I responded.

Kendall came over and congratulated us both, followed by Maddie.

"Good job guys." Maddie said. "Can't wait for the group and results."

She then walked towards the stage door, followed by Kendall and Kalani. I slowly began to follow. How was I going to fix things now?
So sorry for the sort of boring chapter. I promise it will get better soon, and end on a better note.
Which duet do you think will win?||Do you think Maddie and Brynn will make up?


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