-Chapter 9-

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That next morning when I got home, I ran to my bed and threw my face into a pillow. I turned onto my side and saw a note from my mom. It said she was at the store and would be back at around 1.
I feel tears welling in my eyes the more I thought about the message Jenna had sent me. I took out my phone and decided to text her back.

Brynn: what are you talking about??
Jenna: umm, your bio? "aldc forever? mackenzie is my fav"??
Brynn: Jenna I didn't put that there!
Jenna: then who did?
Brynn: kenzie!
Jenna: dont blame it on your new team
Brynn: I'm not lying!
Jenna: whatever.. I need to get to dance with my team. bye brynn

I threw down my phone and cried into the pillow. I felt awful. Jenna was one of my best friends in the whole world, and I didn't want to loose her. I clicked on my phone and looked at my lockscreen. It was a picture of Jenna, Jaycee and I. Tears filled my eyes again.
I forgot about the ALDC for a while. All I wanted at the moment was to make everything right again. With Jenna, with Maddie. My attention suddenly went back to Maddie. I flipped out my phone and began to text her.

Brynn: hey.. it's brynn. are you mad at me?
Maddie: umm..
Brynn: Maddie?
Maddie: well yeah. You showed up and your trying to steal my spot.
Brynn: I am not!
Maddie: please. do you not remember the dance off? People liked you better than me.
Brynn: that's just a few people.
Maddie: whatever.

I turned off my phone and laid my head back down on the soft blue pillow. My life was crumbling. Maddie and Jenna hated me, Addy and Alexa were far away, and I wasn't even sure about dance. All I wanted was my friends and old life back.
I picked up my phone yet again and facetimed Addy. She answered after three rings.

"Hey brynnyboo!" She shouted.
"Addy!" I replied.
"Have you been crying?" She asked, sympathy in her voice.
"Yeah.. I'm fine though." I responded, trying not to make her worried.
"Brynn.. You can tell me." Addy said smiling.
"Well, its friendship problems. Jen-" I started before I was cut off.
"The star is here!" Alexa yelled.
"This isn't a video! Get out!" Addy screamed at Alexa as they both laughed.
"Brynn!" Alexa exclaimed.
"Alexa!" I replied.

Suddenly Addy's phone fell off the bed and the facetimed ended. I sighed and laughed a bit, before putting my phone down for sure.
Alexa and Addy were some of the only people who understood me. Jenna was too, but I had a feeling that she hated me at the moment. Soon, my mom returned.
Dance was cancelled that night because Gianna had something she had to go to and couldn't be there to help us with our dance, and to be honest I was relieved. I didn't want to face Maddie, or any of the other girls.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I hesitated on answering, but my curiosity got the best of me. I lifted up my phone and looked at the message I had just received. This broke me down more.

Maddie: just stop trying to take my place. we both have solos this weekend, don't try to beat me

{Hi everyone! I know that maddie and jenna would never act like this in real life. I only wrote it like that for the story. also sorry for the short chapter!
anyways, I hope you are enjoying "Lost" so far! New update coming soon!}


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