--Chapter 24--

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We walked down the sidewalk towards the Cold Stone that was about ten minutes from my hotel.

"I'm starving." Kalani exclaimed.
"Same." Jojo sighed. "I need sugar energy to be able to last until swimming and the sleepover tonight."

We all laughed, then continued walking. It was the first time I had laughed since we left the competition.
After Jenna joined me in the bathroom, we went back to the dressing room and finished packing up. Our moms then dropped all of us off at the hotel while they went back to the studio to put things away. I was debating on going or not, but Jenna talked me into going along.
Soon, we reached Cold Stone. Nia pulled open the door and held it for us as we all walked through the doorway.

"Hi girls!" said the lady at the counter. "How are you all doing today?"
"Good!" Kalani responded. "How about yourself?"
"I'm good, thank you!" the lady said. "The flavor display is right over here, come on over to the counter when you're ready to order."
"Thank you." we all said.

I walked up the display alongside Jenna and Kendall.

"Ah, I can't decide." Kendall said. "Can I just buy the whole store?"
"This is what I'll be doing in my old age, running an ice cream place." Nia said chiming in.
"Honestly same." Jenna said laughing.

I selected a flavor, then went to the counter with Mackenzie and Jenna to order. The lady quickly got our cones and bowls and handed them to us.

"Have a nice day ladies!" she said.
"Thank you very much." I said, placing a dollar in the tip jar.

The three of us then walked away from the counter.

"Jenna, Brynn and I will be outside. Come join us when you're done." Kenzie said to the others. "So Kendall, we'll see you in a few decades."
"See ya then!" Kendall exclaimed, causing us all, even the lady, to burst out laughing.

Jenna and I followed Kenzie out onto the patio of Cold Stone. She took a deep breath and began to speak as soon as the door closed.

"Maddie told me." she said.
"She did?" I asked, biting my lip.
"Just listen, it's not what you think." Kenzie replied. "She told me that she feels she overreacted to the whole situation. She feels horrible, but she doesn't know how to tell you after how she treated you."
"I feel bad too." I replied.
"Why?" Kenzie asked. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"I should have tried to fix this earlier. I didn't, and that's why what happened today happened." I sighed.
"That isn't your fault, you shouldn't feel bad about that." Kenzie replied, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled, and moments later Maddie and Kalani stepped out onto the patio. Maddie looked down at her shoes. I set down my cone on one of the shaded tables, then wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry." she said, returning the hug with her free arm. "You're an incredible dancer, and we're really lucky to have you."
"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad we're friends." I replied, a smile crossing my face.
"Me too." she said, the smile forming on hers as well.

Jojo walked out the door, followed by Kendall and Nia.

"I'm not sure about you guys, but I love shopping, and there's about thirty stores in the block that have super cute things in them. What do you say we go walk around for a bit?" Kalani said.
"Let's go!" Kenzie yelled, punching a fist in the air.

We all laughed, then walked out of the ice cream parlor and down the bright sunlit sidewalk of California.


"Marco!" Nia yelled from the other side of the pool.
"Polo!" the rest of us yelled in unison.

Nia turned around, then began to swim across the pool, eventually running into Maddie.

"Ugh, dang it!" she laughed.
"Finally!" Nia exclaimed, jumping up excitedly.
"I'm not sure about you all, but I'm getting cold." Kendall said chattering as she hung from Jenna's back.
"We can go inside and watch a movie?" Kenzie suggested.
"Let's go." Kendall replied, darting off of Jenna and to the side of the pool.

I laughed, then pushed myself onto the cold tiled ground that surrounded the pool.

"Brynn." whined Jenna jokingly. "Help me out."

I reached my hands out, grabbing onto hers and pulling back. Jenna then smirked, then pulled me back into the pool. I brought my head back above water and laughed.
We swam to the stairs, then quickly ran up and to our towels, rushing to bundle up.

"Okay, I see why you wanted to get out now." Jenna said to Kendall, her teeth chattering.
"I always have the best ideas." Kendall replied, flipping her wet hair over her shoulder.

We laughed, then collected our things and began to walk inside As soon as we got in, we went straight up to Kalani's hotel room to change into our pajamas.
I pulled back my hair into a ponytail and slipped on an orange T-shirt from a dance competition we went to, followed by a pair of long pink pajama pants, then walked out of the bathroom to join the other girls.

"Brynn!" Kenzie called. "Tell Kendall that my hair styling skills will forever be better than hers."

Kendall laughed and jumped in front of Kenzie.

"Oh please." Kendall said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I am a queen of hair styling."

We all laughed and began to set up out sleeping bags.



Brynn." whispered a voice in my ear.

I whined and pulled out my phone, wincing at how bright it was, but managed to make out the time. Two twelve.

"Brynn." whispered the voice again.

I opened my eyes once more, seeing Kenzie was asleep on my left side. I rolled over on my sleeping bag and saw Jenna sitting upright, a smile spread across her face.

"What is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"I turned on my phone and saw a text from my mom."' she said, excitement entering her voice.
"What is it?" I asked.

A smile slowly crawled across her face as she began to speak once more.

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it's been a while since I've written! I've been super busy, but I'm trying to write more when I have free time.
Im also sorry for the somewhat "cheesy" chapter ending, I wanted it to end on positive note (this isn't the official end, there's still an epilogue coming up)
To go along with that cheesy ending, I decided, why not throw in a little cliff hanger.
Awh, Maddie and Brynn||What do you think Jenna is going to tell Brynn?


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