Chapter Five: Family Affairs

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I search Captain Wolfe's surprised eyes for some sort of reaction. His hands gently set themselves upon my shoulders as he stares into my eyes, most likely wondering if I'm in my right state of mind. We say nothing as our eyes share more emotions then either of our voices could possibly express.
"I want to give you everything, Kate. You deserve the finest of every silk and fruit on this Earth. I never want you to yearn for anything. This request, however, doesn't seem at all possible for us to achieve without myself being sent to the gallows."
I could feel my hope slowly diminishing. "Perhaps, if we just explained to my family--"
Captain Wolfe laughed heartily as he smiled upon Kate. "You think the man who kidnapped you will be accepted into your family tree? My love, the heart can hope for many things that reality can not deliver."
"But James needs to meet the real James." I pleaded with round eyes. "The thought of my family being absent for one of the happiest days of my life seems unimaginable."
"I love you and will forever live to keep you happy, but some things I will not always be able to do." Captain Wolfe reminded with a raised brow. "Although we've been through so much, you must know by now that I'm not immortal."
I laughed as my hands cupped Captain Wolfe's face, the scruffiness of his whiskers tingling my palms. "As long we're able to spend the rest of our lives together, you won't have to be."
He smiled gently, wondering he ever came to meet such a prize like her. His facial expressions seemed to sadden as he thought of what was to become of him if they did go back to Panama. He would be locked away, caged like an animal for all eternity, never to see the light of day again. Perhaps even worse sent to the gallows or to the firing squad. He knew Kate would never truly understand what it meant to be a pirate, but admired her determination to try.
"If we go back there, I can promise you, they'll show no mercy towards me." Captain Wolfe replied softly as he could sense her arousing excitement. "I'm not saying that we are, because as of this moment, it's far too risky."
     "Nothing will ever come between us." I stated into his eyes, letting him know that I meant everything I was telling him. Only death could take me from the one I loved, and that was him.
     Captain Wolfe scoffed for a moment, "A pistol just might."
     "I would never put you in danger, but I just wish there was a way." I furrowed my brow, deep in thought. There was something coming up around this time-- something that always took place at the palace. "The ball." I whispered, catching Captain Wolfe's attention.
     "Please, not another ball." Pleaded Captain Wolfe as he reminisced about the last ball they had attended. "One can't forget what happened at the last one."
     Placing my hands on my hips, I smiled slyly at Captain Wolfe, causing him to smile devilishly. "What sort of trouble are you going to get us into this time?"
     "Every year there is a masquerade ball at the palace for all. Don't you see? The masks will be able to conceal our identities! We'll sneak in, bring James back to the ship--" Captain Wolfe suddenly raised his hand, stopping my words.
     "I know you miss your brother, Kate, but we can't just take him from your parents." Captain Wolfe tried to explain as sweetly as possible. "With you wanting to sail the seas, he's their last heir."
     "Perhaps you don't know everything about me yet." I stated quietly while turning my back and walking to the mapping table. I traced the large letters with my finger as Captain Wolfe seemed to be frozen where I had left him. "I had a sister."
     "Why keep her a secret?" He questioned, now leaning against the bookshelf.
     "I can hardly remember her. She was originally supposed to become the leader, but one night she vanished and no one has seen her since. My parents were devastated at the fact that they would never know why she left. I imagine it was the same reason you did, she didn't want to become the leader." I shrugged as Captain Wolfe's eyes stared at me, interested to know more of my past. "The only possible way I could ever identify her is by a birthmark. We share an identical one on our right wrists. Her name was Melody, but I imagine she's taken on a whole new identity."
     The room was filled with a deathly silence as neither spoke aloud, although their faces have away that their minds were actively plotting. I stopped tracing the letters before speaking, "I think we should find the boy, don't you?"
     Captain Wolfe sighed as his heavy boots collided with the wooden floor. "Yes, I suppose I should apologize to the lad."
     "Calmly, of course." Retorted I seriously with a raised eyebrow, letting him know that I wouldn't put up with anything otherwise.
     "Of course." He replied while walking next to me. "He should be down in Marco's old cell--"
     "You didn't." I stopped for a moment as Captain Wolfe's facial feature scrunched in confusion. "Oh! How could you put him in such a dreadful place!" I cried out as the memories of Captain Marco came flooding back into my mind. They would haunt me till the day I died.
     "He'll be out soon." Replied Captain Wolfe gingerly as we made our way from the room and down the stairs. Mr. Jo is in sight while mopping the deck, whistling a happy melody. Smiling, I thought of just how good to me he has been all this time.
     "Mr. Jo, would you kindly bring the lad to me?" Captain Wolfe asked, straightening his outfit.
     "Already on it, Captain." He replied merrily as he placed the mop and bucket aside and vanished down the stairs. It didn't take long for him to reappear with the boy. I'm rather shocked as before I am able to speak a word, the boy clings to me, most likely frightened of Captain Wolfe. I stroke his hair gingerly as I had done with James.
     Captain Wolfe crouches as though to be eyes level with the boy. "What's your name?" He asked kindly. I watch as the boy cranes his head to look up at me as though to ask if he can reply.
     "Go on." I speak softly as the boys attention is now focused back on Captain Wolfe. He doesn't release me, but I can tell he feels much safer now.
     "Luke, Captain." He replies softly before hiding half of his face in the fabric of my outfit as the other is visible.
     "Well, Luke, I wanted to apologize for my actions. It wasn't right of me and I humbly ask you to forgive me." Captain Wolfe states sweetly as the boy now completely un-clings from my being and faces him.
     "My nose burns of salt water, but I suppose I can forgive you." Luke replies which causes a chuckle to rise out of Captain Wolfe.
     "Welcome aboard." Captain Wolfe says with a dashing smile. "I have a few more questions to ask you, but I believe they can wait. Let's get you some new clothes and a nice warm meal."
     The boy smiled widely before taking Captain Wolfe's hand into his own. I smile softly while watching the two stroll off as I wave them goodbye. My heart leaps for joy at how wonderful a father Captain Wolfe will be.

•Authors Note•

I've come back.

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