Chapter Two: Six More Weeks

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Using my hand to block the blazing sun from my eyes, I walk out onto the main deck. Crew members tip their worn hats to me, or give me a faint nod while continuing their tasks of the day. As I look around the deck, Captain Wolfe's figure finally is found by my eyes.

"There you are!" He calls out, walking towards me. "I twas beginning to worry about you."

"You need not to worry about me." I respond, placing a hand gently on my stomach area. "We still have a very long way to go."

"And how happy the journey shall be." Captain Wolfe answers, slipping an arm gingerly around my waist.

"Pardon me, Captain." The kind voice of Mr. Jo speaks from behind.

"Yes?" Asks Captain Wolfe.

"Six weeks in counting until we arrive at the shore of Virginia." Reports Mr. Jo.

"Very good. Thank you." Captain Wolfe responds gratefully as we watch Mr. Jo's figure recede from us.

"Well," I speak up, "how about we start on the wedding plans?"

"What is there to plan from out upon the sea?" Smiles Captain Wolfe.

"Fine," I resort, "save the planning for the week before we dock in Virginia."

A sudden pain in my lower back now holds my attention as I place a hand where the pain was felt. Captain Wolfe looks at me with a knitted eyebrows, but my kind smile reassures his comfort.

"Tell me," I now speak up, "what is your mother like?"

Captain Wolfe scoffs for a moment. "From the little time I have known her, it was enough to tell she would not approve of you worrying so much."

"I'm not worrying, I am just preparing." I respond honestly.

"She's not an army general, Kate." Responds Captain Wolfe, now leading me towards the stairs leading to his study.

"But she is the Sea Queen," I quickly respond, "is she not?"

Captain Wolfe lets out a small sigh before opening the study door. "She tis a human too, Kate."

"I am just afraid of making the wrong impression, that tis all." Says I before taking my place on the bear skinned chair, which happens to be my favorite.

"You should not be." He says quietly, grabbing my favorite piece of literature for me, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

As I take it from his hand, he kneels to the right side of my legs on the ground, placing his head on my right knee, looking dazed but peaceful. I place my right hand upon his dirty blonde hair which sparkles from the light of the fire, petting it gently.

"How could you enjoy that?" He asks suddenly.

"Enjoy what?" I ask in response, flipping the page to act two.

"That literature, do they not both die an untimely death at the end? Where's the enjoyment in that?" He asks seriously.

"It's for the reason they do die that brings happiness to the saddest of occasions." I respond, laying my hand now still on his hair.

"Enlighten me, for I have never read a tragedy that could be both tragic and joyful."

"You see," I begin as he head shifts to look at me, "they both died for the love of each other, but their deaths twas not tragic, for it was filled of their eternal love."

"You interpret differently than I." He points out.

"Everyone has their own way of thinking."

"I suppose you are right." He answers with a dream-filled sigh.

"Am I not always?" I jest, feeling a smile arouse on his face.

He now stands up, staring down at me with compassionate eyes, and extends a hand to me. I take it and am pulling up from the bear skinned chair into a passionate embrace. My arms hang onto his neck dearly as the scent of salt water fills my nose from his clothing. I feel Captain Wolfe's head nuzzle itself in my neck, his breaths leaving little warm spots which feel like electricity. His arms tighten themselves around my waist as we stand there, myself almost drifting off to sleep in his embrace.

"I'm afraid I must go." He now muffles into my neck. "The crew may need some assistance." But I deny him from leaving by wrapping my arms tighter around his neck.

"The little moments with you are an eternity to me." I respond back, reaching up and placing a kiss on his right cheek.

"As they are to me, and how I wish I could live in the moments forever." He responds, placing a kiss gingerly on my neck.

A sigh escapes my mouth as I realize I cannot keep him from doing his duties to the vessel and it's crew. Releasing him from my grasp, he smiles down at me before making his way towards the study door. As he closes it behind him, I am left alone standing with my back to the dancing fire behind me. Turning my attention to the shelves of books, I take one and sit back in the chair, a slight pain emerging in my stomach.

As I read the small print of famous Greek myths, my eyes slowing begin to droop as the only sound I hear is the crackling of the fire. Before I am able to tell myself to stay awake, my eyes close and I fall into a vast sleep.

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