Chapter Six: Pridefully Proud

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My eyes stare out upon the raging and endless waves of the ocean. The setting sun portrays vibrant colors across the sky which delight my senses. My hand places itself upon my abdomen as I inhale deeply, smelling the salt water through my nose. Crossing my arms, I rest them upon the railing as my chin is placed on them. My mind starts to wonder as the shouting of the crew seems to fade away. Everything seems to fade away as I picture myself back in Panama with my family. Myself once again in a beautiful gown, James happily playing in the garden, and my parents proudly watching over us. It almost seemed that if I reached out, my hand could grasp the red rose on it's bush.
"Dinners almost ready." Captain Wolfe's voice now grovels deeply in my ear as my mind returns to the sun and the sea.
I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. "Right, dinner, of course..." After speaking, I scold myself in my mind at how unconvincing I sound.
Captain Wolfe has noticed it, too. "Are you-- Nothing's wrong, is there?" He questions with concern in his tone as I still don't turn around to face him.
"Nothing's wrong, I was just deep in thought." My body language seems to say otherwise as I can sense Captain Wolfe's tense behind me.
     "Are you hiding something?" He questions as I can feel his suspicion growing. I turn around to face him as he raises an eyebrow awaiting my response.
     My eyes don't meet his, causing him to lift my chin up as so they do. "I'm just worried--"
     "I thought I told you you're not allowed to be worried. Everything is going to be smooth sailing." He spoke with a gentleness in his tone while smiling weakly.
     "Where's Luke?" I question upon realizing that he is nowhere in sight. "Did you two have fun?"
     I can see that my smile has lightened Captain Wolfe's heart. "He's in his cabin, I believe. I asked him a few questions and attained some interesting information."
     My eyebrow is now raised as I wait for him to explain. "Apparently his father set out on a voyage some time ago and has yet to return to his mother in London. He snuck aboard thinking that it was possibly his fathers ship."
     My facial expressions sadden. "What are we going to do? We can't just keep him with us-- But I suppose we can't return to England either." I was puzzled trying to think of a way for the boy to be reunited with his family.
     "There will be no need, he wants to stay." Stated Captain Wolfe with a proud smile. "He'll be a fine member of our crew!"
"I'm not so sure that's a good idea. We don't exactly know who his parents are." I state while watching Captain Wolfe's eyes fall.
"No more worrying, my love. When you worry, you become stressed, and when you become stressed, you feel ill. We don't want that and it's not healthy for--" He remarks before trailing off. My eyes look lovingly upon him before he pinches my check lovingly as I can feel myself blushing. "We'll talk more back in our cabin after dinner. Come along."
He offers me his arm as I accept it joyfully. We stride together as though we have no worries or strifes.
"Will we be docking anytime soon? I'm craving some fresh fruit..." My mouth begins to water at the thought of it. "Badly."
Captain Wolfe laughs at my comment. "I'm sure we'll need to make a supply stop during our travels."
My heart beats at a normal pace now. Why was I so worried all the time? I suppose, as the only lady on this ship, it's assumed to be my job to worry for all. But my heart ached and worried at much larger things then if I would be acquiring fresh fruit anytime soon.

"How about a bottle of wine to go with dinner?" Captain Wolfe asks as he's ready to begin pouring. "The largest glass for you?"
Something inside urges me to deny his offer before I can accept it. "I don't think that's wise-- For his sake."
Captain Wolfe's face seems to light up with excitement. "Can you really tell? Is it a he?" He practically sprints over to my side, kneeling on the ground as I'm seated in one of the velvety chairs. The dining room had to be one of my favorite rooms to the ship.
"I have an inkling-- but I could be wrong!" I shout in attempt to cease Captain Wolfe's premonitions, realizing that I truly don't know. "We'll just have to wait and see."
"Waiting, and waiting, and waiting." He replied with a soft chuckle before picking up my hand and kissing it gingerly. "To think you've given me everything I could want in life."
"Well not everything quite yet." I giggle like a child while staring in admiration for him. "I'm just hoping it won't happen on this ship."
Captain Wolfe gives me a look of shock. "Why, Kate, I'm surprised at you! He has to be born out on the open sea if he's to be as great a Captain as I am!"
"You weren't." I retort with a sly smirk across my mouth. "So, if I'm lucky, he'll be born on land."
Captain Wolfe now stands and climbs onto the dining room table, causing me to laugh hysterically, as he takes his wine glass in hand. "He'll be the most feared sailor on these seas! No one will ever double cross him if they value their life! He'll be full of courage and bravery! He'll know how to wield a blade better than any swordsman alive, and be able to out draw anyone who dates him with their pistol! Why, he might even have some of his mothers compassion in him, too."
"He better, he can't all be you. Imagine another you running around this ship!" I chuckle at my remark as Captain Wolfe rolls his eyes with a grin. "Have you started to think of names?"
"I have a few in mind, but they're a surprise." He smiles while climbing down from the table and back onto the floor. "But, as you said, we'll just have to wait and see."
Captain Wolfe looked pridefully at his beloved. He couldn't imagine a more perfect woman anywhere in this world. "Won't mother be so pleased to hear of his coming!"
"You think so?" I ask with hopeful eyes. "Truly?"
"If there's one thing I know about my mother, she'll love having a new lad to train under her wing-- And the idea of being a grandmother, of course." He remarks with a smile. "We'll all be one big happy family."

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