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Happy birthday Michael Clifford, I fucking hate you :-)

~ all the fucking love, Hannah :-)

Hannah's pov

"Suck my ass," I spat, rolling my eyes.

"Gladly," Taylor responded, a smirk appearing on his face. He puts his arm around my waist but I push him off. "Sorry." He apologizes, looking down at the ground.

I sighed and hugged his side. "It's okay, Tay. But remember, we are only friends."

"Awe, I was hoping best friends?"

I give him a serious look but be won't stop smiling. I ended up smiling and laughing afterwards. "Okay, fine. We can be best friends."

He cheers and gives me a warm and cozy hug. We walk into our first period class and Elizabeth wasn't in there. I sighed, knowing she might not be coming to school today because of what happened yesterday. It was pretty fucked up how people thought it was funny, even though only about ten people thought it was funny out of two thousand -or more- kids in this school.

Delancy and her friends ended up posting the video they took of Elizabeth online, which makes me want to beat the shit out of Delancy and her fake friends more.

Yesterday when I was in the library with Duncan and Brini, there were a lot of people checking out the video that Delancy posted. A few were laughing and a few were gasping and had sad looks on their faces. Duncan, Brini, and I ended up closing down everyone's computers. We also got our friend, Peter, to take down the video for us, which he happily agreed to if we bought him a box of pizza and a date to prom. It wasn't that hard to get Peter a date to prom though, he isn't that bad looking.

"Have you seen Elizabeth, Hannah?" Mr. Pettyfer -or Alex- asked me and I sighed, shaking my head. He nodded then went back to his desk.

"You and Elizabeth are really close with him," Taylor said beside me, startling me a little. I give him a 'what?' look because I didn't hear what he said. "I said, you and Elizabeth are really close with him. He barely calls anyone their first names, aside from you two." He repeats.

"Yeah... we are," I mumbled, looking up at Mr. Pettyfer and listening to his instructions.

"Is he your guys' friend or something?" Taylor scooted closer to me but I moved away.

"I don't want to talk about it, Taylor." I snapped, glaring at him.

He puts his arms up in defense. "Whoa there, tiger. I was just asking you a question."

"Well stop,"

He puts his arms down and nods, moving away from me too and I sigh in relief.

"You've turned into a real bitch after we broke up," I heard him say and I set down the tube that was in my hand.

"First of all, I've always been a bitch to everyone who annoys me. Second of all, you've turned into a real douchebag. And third of all, we never dated, it was all an act. It was fake." I said and he stays quiet.

"Well, I didn't think we were both acting when we both said 'I love you' to each other," He said, smirking afterwards.

"Fuck you," I stayed silent after that and continued to do the lab work. When the bell rung, I waited for the rest of the class to leave, but I saw Taylor looking back at me and eyeing me suspiciously. I know that he's going to eavesdrop so I've got to make this quick.

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