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whoop whoop the 20th chapter - tbh i love this book more than my other ones

↞Hannah's pov↠

"That wasn't part of the plan, Michael." I sighed, running my hands trough my hair. "Now you guys just made it worse."

"What? You're the one who told me to do it." Michael said. He opens my fridge and takes out a cold leftover pizza, putting it inside the microwave.

"Yeah, but I never said to throw drinks at her. I told you to try and get Luke jealous, you weren't suppose to get Amanda."

"Well it happened and I can't do anything about it," my microwave dings and he opens it, taking out the now hot pizza and shoving it in his mouth. "Now are we going to school or are we gonna ditch?"

"We're going to school," I tell him and I grab my binder and bag.

"Great! I really want to see what Elizabeth is going to do to Luke." Michael exclaims, an amused smile on his face.

Yeah, me too....

Rosie, Scarlett, and I were looking for Elizabeth around the whole school. But we didn't find her anywhere. I guess she isn't coming to school today.

"Hannah!" Someone calls out my name. I turn around and see Eli walking towards me.

"There you are!" I exclaimed, running up to her and giving her a hug. I let go of her and eyed her carefully, she looks normal to me. I guess she's not planning anything. "Just out of curiosity, are you planning anything today? Like are you going to do anything to Luke or Amanda?"

"Amanda, no. But Luke, yes." Eli says truthfully, smiling afterwards.

"Oh no, what did you do Elizabeth?" I asked her and she just stands there, smiling at me. The school doors open and I look over Eli's shoulders, seeing Luke walk in without Amanda. Eli turns around to watch Luke and she smirks.

Luke sees Elizabeth and he fast walks towards us. He grabbed Eli by her arm and he pinned her up to the lockers.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" Luke shouts at Elizabeth. "Stop acting like a fucking bitch!"

"Sometimes you have to act like a bitch to get things done," Eli tells him, a smirk still plastered on her face. "Get off of me Luke, you're hurting my arm."

"Good!" Luke spat and he lets her go. "I don't know what happened to you. You used to be so sweet and kind. I fell in love with that girl, not this one."

"You turned me into this girl Luke!" Eli shouted back at him, finally breaking. Elizabeth pushed Luke away and she ran off. Everyone was giving Luke glares.

The bell rings and everyone walks off to class, aside from me and Luke. Luke pressed his back to the lockers and he slides down to the floor. He hides his face in his arms, while he tugs at his hair. I take a seat beside him and I pat his back awkwardly, not knowing if I should hug him or leave him alone.

"What does she mean by, 'I turned her into that girl'?" Luke asked. He didn't look up at me, but his face was still buried in his arms.

"Don't you see Luke? When you guys were together, she was a nice, caring, and sweet girl. I've never seen her that happy over a boy before. But then when you broke her heart, she changed. She turned into someone she's not. She became meaner to everyone and she shut everyone out of her life. She was broken, Luke. I have never seen Elizabeth love someone as much as she loves you." I say, standing up from the floor. "I hope you work things out with her, because I want to see the old Elizabeth back. I want to see you guys together again."

↞Luke's pov↠

Hannah's right. It's al my fault that Elizabeth is like this. And I need to fix it. I love her and my mom always told me if I love a girl more than I love penguins, then I should go after her.

I wait for Hannah to leave and when I hear her walking away, I stand up from the floor and looked around the school campus. I know Elizabeth didn't go to class, she never goes to class when she's feeling sad.

I walk past the girl's bathroom and hear crying inside. I stopped walking and pressed my ears to the door. Maybe it's Elizabeth, maybe it's not. But I should check just in case it is.

I open the door and found Elizabeth on the floor crying in the corner. She looks up and when she sees me, there was anger in her eyes.

"Elizabeth please let me talk," I tell her. She stands up from the floor and tries to leave but I lock the door and hold on to her, preventing her from leaving.

"Luke if you're hear to shout at me again and tell me how I'm just jealous that you moved on, please let me go."

"I'm not letting you go again," I sighed, pulling her in for a hug. She doesn't hug me back but I still hold on to her.

"Luke, please." Eli cries, pushing me away from her. "Tell me what you feel for me is real, or if its just a game. If its real then we'll figure it out, but if its not please let me go."

(( a/n: i fucking love you if you know where that's from ))

"I never stopped loving you, Elizabeth." I admit and a smile forms on her beautiful face. "I know I've been acting like a jerk the past few months, but I'm still in love with you. I'm crazy about you, I love you so much and I can't imagine the day I won't."

"That's all I wanted to hear you say," Elizabeth said and she puts her hand behind my neck and pulls me towards her, smashing our lips together.

my name's blurryface and i care what you think. wish we could turn back ---

sorry lolz ily all and merry christmas! i'm going to try and update again rn

word count: 1063

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