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you guys are so sweet and cute like wtf i want to meet all of you so bad and give each and everyone of you hugs

sorry for switching pov's in this one 

↞Calum's pov↠

"-- with Mr. Pettyfer." I finished off telling the guys the whole story.

"Wow," Luke's eyes widened, he awkwardly coughs afterwards. "A teacher... I didn't expect that."

"But Calum, you guys weren't together. So what's the problem here?" Ashton said.

"I have her heart, I know that. But knowing that he had her body, her hands, her mouth.. it drives me fucking nuts, I could literally lose my mind." I groaned, wanting to punch someone. Hopefully, punch Mr. Pettyfer. 

She still loves me, I know that. But she's going to be distant from me again. It's going to be hell. 

↞Elizabeth's pov↠

"I don't know what to do anymore," Hannah cried, while I held her in my arms.

"You are going to stop crying over him and move on," I sighed. That came out a little mean. "Sorry if that sounded rude, but don't cry over him. He is stupid for letting you walk away from him and not accepting the truth. You guys were broken up, he shouldn't be mad about that." She continued crying and I sat there, holding her. "So what's going to happen now?"

She let go of me and wiped away her tears. "Move on with life. I'm not going to waste my tears on him, not anymore. I love him, I do and nothing will change that. But I guess, the best thing to do is become friends." Hannah said, "This is going to be hard, I just know it."

"Well that's why I'm here. Rosie, Scarlett, and I are here for you. We are here to help you get through this." I smiled, pulling her in for a side hug.

"It's going to be hard watching someone you love, love someone else." Hannah mumbled.

"You don't know if Calum is ever going to move on from you. I mean Taylor still hasn't moved on from you right?"

"Yeah, but he is Calum Hood. He can get any girl." 

"And you can get any guy, a better guy than Calum." I tell her. "You don't have to promise me this, but please don't get back with Calum. At least not yet. Wait a while, until you are ready to take him back."

"I'll try,"

↞Hannah's pov↠

a week later

I knocked at the boys house, wanting to talk to Calum. Luckily, Ashton answered the door. "Hey, Ash is --"

"Calum here?" Ashton finished off the sentence, a smile creeping up on his face. I nodded, then he stepped aside. "Want to come in or ??"

"No, I want to talk to him outside. If that's okay?" I asked. He nodded, leaving the door open while he ran back in to get Calum. 

I heard a dog bark inside the house and a little puppy came running out of the door. Oh my gosh it was so freaking cute!

I knelt down and held the puppy in my arms, making kissing noises. The puppy started to lick my face and I giggled. "You are so cute!" I heard someone cough and I looked up. It was Calum. Damn, he looked horrible. I kept a smile on my face though, trying to show him that I was fine and doing alright without him. "Hi Calum!" I greeted, cheerfully.

He looked surprised at my cheerful and happy mood. "H-Hi, what are you doing here?"

"You don't want me to be here?" I asked, faking a sad look.

"What? N-NO!" He said quickly and I took a step back. "I do want you here, I need you here. Please stay, I want you. I love you." He said too quickly I barely caught a word he said. But I did hear the 'I love you' part. I looked at him, confused and he fake coughed again. "Oh look, you met Banana."


Is he serious?

"Banana?" I questioned and he slightly nodded. I giggled and put Banana down. "Weird name but okay."

"There weren't any other names that reminded me of you," He mumbled. I don't think I was suppose to hear that. 

"Anyways, I came here to bring you some of the work you missed." I handed it to him and he thanked me. "You're still going to graduate right?"

"Well yeah, if you want me to." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "I do want you to graduate, but not for me. For you." I checked my phone for the time. "Oh, I have to go. Goodbye."

"I've missed you," He said and I stopped. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

He cannot do this to me right now. "Calum, please don't." I said, turning around to see that he was near me already.

"I miss how happy I was with you," he says. He's trying to break me, he's trying to get me to show him that I need him. 

"Calum.. stop." I sighed, backing away from him. "You said you wouldn't, but you fucking did."


"You were the love of my life, and I guess I just thought I was yours too." I turn around, grabbing my car keys from my bag.

"What? Why would you say that, I did love you!" Calum exclaimed, blocking me from leaving. He fake coughed when he realized what he said. "Fuck that, I still love you." I ignore him, walking around him and into my car. I get in, put on my seatbelt and start the car. Before I leave the door opens and Calum comes in. 

"I'm not letting you drive away that easy," 

"Calum get out of my car! I have to go!" I yelled at him, unlocking the car doors so he can leave.

"You don't need to go, that's just another excuse to get away from me." I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers. He grabs my face and slammed his lips on mine. I didn't kiss back. I was frozen. But somehow I ended up kissing him and giving up. I've missed his lips, I miss him. He pulled away from me and I was a little sad, but I don't want him to know that.

"That was a mistake, please get out of my car." I told him, pointing to the door.

"Don't pretend that didn't mean anything to you," he said, holding on to my arm. "I know you probably hate me for what I said, but I know you still love me."

"You're right I do hate you. If I loved you before, then I still got love for you." I said. I see a small smile appearing on his face. I'm not letting him back in my life that easy. "But, stay away from me though." His small smile faded and was replaced by a confused/sad look. "I never thought I would admit this, but I feel like I have given up on you. I don't look for you in a room full of people anymore. I don't miss being in your presence anymore. I don't question where you are, how have you been, what you have been up to anymore. I don't seek for your attention anymore, but I do have to admit that your name still creep up in the back of my mind and I still cry and my heart still shatters, but it doesn't happen as often anymore."

When I finished telling him that, he looked so hurt. Now I feel bad for telling him that. At least it's out of my chest now. I can't believe I'm letting Calum go like that. 

He cleared his throat and looked away from me, wiping the tear that fell from his eyes. "I-I guess I should be going now."

We said our goodbyes and moved on.

I had to like skip 1-2 weeks in this book because I just want to write about what I've been wanting to write for this book. 

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