True Action

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By: Cheerkrazy

Crash! BOOM! Bang! Julianna's comic book exclaimed. She could only imagine having that much action in her life. In a small town in Colorado, nothing much really happens. Everyone was pretty much the same. Every day, the same things happen. Julie always longed for SOMETHING to happen. Even if it was something that didn't even affect her life in any way. Thirteen year old Julianna was a dreamer, and has been since she was little. She also loved reading comic books. She had a love for adventure, even though none really happened for her. "Julianna!" her mom called from downstairs. "A letter came in the mail for you!" Julie gasped. It couldn't be! She ran downstairs.

About a month ago, Julianna had sent in a form for a prestigious writing school. She thought the letter couldn't possibly be from them. So, she ran downstairs as quick as possible to see the letter. "I'm here!" she exclaimed breathlessly. "What, did you sprint here?" her older sister, Jenna asked her. Julianna just stared blankly for a second, then shook her head. She saw the letter on the table and ran over. She looked at the envelope and started to squeal. Julie ripped the envelope open and started to read the letter. After she finished reading, she shrieked so loud, her mom ran into the kitchen because she thought there was an emergency. "I GOT IN!!" she squealed again. "I have to call Alana!!" she ran back upstairs to her room. She picked up the phone and dialed her best friend, Alana's phone number. "I GOT IN!" Julie shrieked. "OH MY GOSH!" Alana screamed. But little did Julie know, this school would turn her world upside down.

One month later, the school year was about to start. Julianna was really excited to go, but the fact that she had to move to a small town in Maine, was really upsetting for her. She was taking a plane by herself to Maine, because she was told to come alone. Julie and her mom found that odd, but it was what the school wanted. The plane ride was pretty long, in her opinion. But she had her phone to play games on and her tablet also, so she was fine. She just couldn't wait to get there. After her plane landed, she took a bus to the address she was told to go to. Once Julianna got there, she started to think. Why would they tell me to come alone? The building she walked into looked a little scary. She went to the building that was labeled, Enter here. She walked into the building and a large metal door dropped behind her. She shrieked.

There were no windows inside the room. Julie noticed there were a few other kids that looked about her age also. She was a little scared to speak up. "Uh hi... I'm Julianna." she said timidly. "Where are we?" she asked. A kid spoke up. "Did you get accepted to a "prestigious writing academy?" he said. She nodded at him. "Well now we're trapped here and there's no way to get out." The kid said. FINALLY! Julie thought ACTION! She started to panic. "I've got to get out of here!" She tried to call her mom. No signal. She tried banging on the walls. Soundproof. When I said I wanted action, I didn't mean this! she thought. Julie then noticed an air duct. She knew what to do! In her favorite comic book, the kids trapped in the room escape from the air ducts! She tried to pick off the duct cover. She poked her nail under it. Julianna finally got it off. She waved the others over to her. "What are you-" a kid started to say, but Julie cut her off. "Shh! There might be security cameras!" She climbed through the vent and suddenly fell out onto the ground.

She then saw a few tall men coming her way, but she ran. She wasn't getting caught! Julie found the nearest bus and hopped on. She started to relax for a second. Julianna dusted herself off, since she was dirty from the vents But, then she saw the men get on the bus too. She hid behind the seat as they walked by. She got off the bus at the next stop. Lucky for her, it was near the airport. She got on the nearest plane. Julie had a ticket for a flight home just and case and she was lucky she did. She finally got back to Colorado by about 9:00 PM. Her mom was very confused about why she was home. Julianna smiled and told her the whole story. She gave her mom a hug and said, "I'd rather be here than have any action at all!"


And that's my entry! Hoped you liked it! I spent a lot of time on it. I know I went over the amount of paragraphs we could have the minimum of, sorry!

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