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By: looloo3182


Firebird was no ordinairy bird.No,Firebird was special.

one day when a Hiker was hiking up into the woods there was a nest above his head against

the tree he leaned on it taking a quick sip of his water,he obviously wasnt aware of the birds

being there or else he would have leaned against the tree so he was sure not to cause harm to

the little birds,inside the nest were 4 eggs,all spotted,all unhatched,but all soon to hatch. the

tree shook causing one to fall out of the nest and into the backpack of the hiking man who

wasnt aware of any of the surroundings around him. he quickly put the cap back onto his water

and left for his camp sight he had set up nearby. when he soon reached his camp sight her

grabbed the bag in search of his flashlight and found somthing else,a baby birdy struggling

beetween a water bottle and a emergancy kit.he quickly dug the bird out and flooded the camp

sight leaving everything behind to care for the bird back at his home.
the hiker had taken care of Firebird until she was old enough to do so herself,he then carried

her cage back into the woods of which he found her and let the clasp on the cage fall lose. 'this

is it. i'll finally be back to the woods of where i belong' Firebird thought,but little did she know

that another Man was just behind a tree waiting to get his hands on that Little bird.Firebird flew

out of the cage and into a tree only steps away "Goodbye Firebird" the hiker whisperd as he

walked back into his truck. the man quickly swept up Firebird as the Hiker walked away,

shoving the bird into the cage and slamming the door.he ran as fast as he could back to his

home and closed all windows,locked all doors and hide all holes so the bird could not get out

nor hide from him. He let the cage fly open and firebird flew out desperately searched for a way

out though there was no hope so she gave up and flew back into the cage sad and trapped in

captivity,just then she took in the view and noticed how old the man was.why would he want a

little bird like herself? was he nicer than he appeared? the man grabbed the bird harshly and

plucked one of her fiery red feathers causing Firebird Weep out in pain. he put her back inside

of the cage and shut the door. when the door was secure the Man took the red feather and put

it inside the open flame of a candle and blew the candle out. the Bird watched as he did this

weird routine,but then right before her eyes he turned young. Firebird was dumbfounded not

understanding how this happened? was she......Special?
seven years this went on and she couldnt do anything about it,she only had one

feather left then it would be the end.until one faithful day,the man was asleep and had left the

window open by mistake. she slammed againest the cage door braking the old cage with

ease.she thought to herself 'this is it.I'll Be free' as she flew out of the window. Firebird finally

had the freedom she had craved for all her life. she soared above the trees and watched as the

leafs fell off of the old oak she landed on. she then had an idea-she would visit the Hiker who

had saved her little life,she flew over through the woods,she rememberd this place well of all

the times he took her places with him to visit. when she reached his house she peeked inside

the open window saddened to what she saw. there he was Laying on the couch with a woman

beside him Looking at him almost as sad as Firebird was. he was sick-Very Sick. the woman

went into the kitchen so while she wasnt there Firebird took her chance to see the man asleep

and Poor. She knew what she had to Do. she took her feather and carried it over to the candle

with her beak and dropped it in she flew to the window with all of the strength she had left and

watched as the Hiker Became well and the woman-his wife,walked into the livingroom surprised

and Happy that her husband was well as he stood up and hugged his wife. as for Firebird she

watched as the happy scene played out and got weaker by the moment but just when she

thought it was a Goodbye she saw white feathers slowly appear onto her body and she

suddenly felt strong. she used her wings and flew high to the sky-she now understood what

happened,why the Man wanted her,and how she heeled the Hiker man. she had been there to

protect the Hiker and his wife and to heal others. she was a bird with a meaning,She was


i hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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