Peace Keepers of the Starlight Forest

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By: Parisluv

Diana ran through the forest, her long orchid dress fluttering out behind her. Her brown hair with a snowy owl feather in it, was in a tight fishtail braid. Her eyes were as silver as the moonlight and her skin tanned perfectly. The bow and quiver of arrows slung on her back made others laugh at the though of this delicate girl being tough. She reached a large stone wall and pulled out a stone from a bag tied at her waist. She moved aside a piece of moss and placed the small emerald inside. It glowed, momentarily, then, after she took out the emerald, a piece of the stone wall moved aside. She bolted in and the wall closed back up behind her.
"Diana!' a beautiful deer said as she trotted up to Diana. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Fauna," she replied, taking a deep breath, "where's Flora?"
"I'm here," a gorgeous unicorn said as she galloped up to Fauna and Diana. "Did you find the map?"
"It's right here," Diana said. She pulled out an ancient map, with words written in Ancient Greek on it.
"When do we leave?" Flora asked.
"Now," Diana replied as she dashed into a giant, hollow willow tree.
"Now?" Fauna gasped.
"We have to," Diana said. "The Lunar pack and Solar pack are going to go to ward unless we can prove that the Lunar pack didn't steal the Sun Stone; the only way to do that is to get it back."
"This is crazy!" Flora exclaimed. "Can't they just get along?!"
"Our job is to keep the peace in the Starlight Forest, that's what we're going to do," Diana said as she grabbed the bag she had packed. "Ready to head out?"
"I suppose," Fauna sighed and Flora gave a nod. Diana quickly got onto Flora's back and they headed off towards a different side of the stone enclosed valley. When they reached the wall, Flora touched her horn to it and the wall slid away. They raced through the momentary door and across a huge meadow; Fauna right beside them.
"We're almost there," Diana said as the leaped over a winding river.
They reached the edge of the forest, to be confronted by a stone wall with a single doorway. They trotted through and into the Labyrinth. They immediately met a fork, with three options and no way back; for the stone had slid closed.
"Which way?" Flora asked as Diana pulled out the map.
"Left," she answered.
After a few turns, they met a wall with words in Ancient Greek written upon it.
"Remember, we get one guess," Diana said. "The riddle is: 'You can see me, the sun fights me, you can walk through me but you can't touch me, what am I?' Any ideas?"
"Fog?" Fauna suggested. Diana thought it over for a minute than said, "That's it! Flora?"
"Of course," Flora said as she summoned a cloud of fog.
The stone wall slipped away, the fog going with it. They soon came across another one, Diana read aloud:
"'I come in different colors, each representing a different thing. Unlike many others I grow from a bush instead of the ground. What am I?' Well?"
"I got it," Flora said as she summoned a dozen different roses. The wall slid away and they hurried through.
They came across another one soon after.
"Last one," Diana announced. "I live in the dark, but I'm easily seen. I remind people of a spark and I am often wished upon. What am I?' This is easy, it's stars."
Flora summoned shinning, sparkling stars and the wall slid away. It revealed a round stone room. In the center, lied the Sun Stone; on a small podium.
"You two stay here," Diana told them as she slipped off of Flora's back.
Diana studied the stone tiles on the floor, after deducting the proper plan she stepped on the proper stones until she reached the podium. She gingerly picked up the glowing Sun Stone and held her breath. The podium slid down and a piece of the wall across the room slid open to reveal the exit. Diana breathed a sigh of relief and slipped the stone into her bag. Suddenly, the entire labyrinth began to shake and crumble.
"Come on!" Diana yelled.
As Flora and Fauna galloped past her, she jumped onto Flora's back. Stones fell all around them, nearly crushing them. Diana thought that they wouldn't make it, until they burst out into the light of the setting sun. They breathed for a moment, then Fauna whispered, "We have to get back, before a fight breaks out."
"Ready, Flora?" Diana asked.
"Hold on tight," Flora said.
They galloped through the forest and only stopped to open a door into the Starlight Forest. They ran through the trees until they arrived in Galaxy Meadow; where the Lunar and Solar packs were preparing to fight.
"May I please have your attention," Diana announced as she slipped off of Flora's back.
"Yes, Diana?" Solaris said; the sandy colored Alpha of the Solar pack. The brown and red wolves of the Solar pack stood behind him proudly.
"Diana?" Celeste said; the pure white colored Alpha of the Lunar pack. The black and grey wolves of the Lunar pack stood behind her, on guard.
"I have found the sun stone," Diana announced, presenting it to Solaris; who used his mysterious magic to float in front of him. "Can the fighting end?"
"How do we know you didn't take it from them?" Solaris questioned.
"I took it from the Labrynth, it was taken by the Silver Cats."
"I am sorry I mistrusted you, Celeste," Solaris apologized; they all knew better than to go against Diana's words.
"I understand, perhaps we can work toward eternal peace?" Celeste suggested.
"Sounds good."
"Thank you all," Diana said.
They all went their separate ways. Peace had returned, for now anyway.
Hope you like it!
"Today you are you,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is youer you."
-Dr. Seuss

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