Evening Meeting

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By: Tulip1211

I was told here was the rendezvous.I was keep my purse tight as I scan my surronding without drawing attention.I was waiting a little nervously for the wailing sounds of police to come.It wasn't a choice,my brother mattered more.I gazed at the windows trying to distract my self from everything.I stared intently on the lace until I saw the glass shattered.My dream state came back from reality,just in time to dodge the bullet.Literally.I race off as I heard the yelling and footstep chasing me.Been selled out.I clutched my fist and pushed it out of my mind while I focused on more important matter,like living to see tomorrow.

I grab ahold of a fence and jump on a pile of boxes.I used the boxes as a jump spring over the fence.I went back to high school for a moment,glad my mom decide not to pull me out of it after all.I started to make everything crash behind me,hoping to give me a few more seconds ahead of them.I saw a fire escape and heard the foot steps.I gotten this far,I thought.I jumped and grab ahold of the bar,just now feeling the cuts from the fence.I grunted as I climb onto the fire escape.I tried to open the window,locked.I quickled got onto the next level,locked again.I was started to feel weary,I could have just keep running til they lost me.I heard voices,and my heart stopped.The footsteps got louder and closer.I looked around scared of being found.I heard a distinct feminie voice,but with roughness in it too like she was ready for anything.
"They keep getting so young."She said with a sigh.
"Gang banger must likely are using her as a pawn."Said a male voice.
I knew they weren't gonna back off so I took up the moment.I raced off the platform and aim to jump on the male.I started to fall til I thump on the male.Everything started to slow down,but I only remember the movement and did the only that came in mind.I kick the female as hard as I can in the black of her knee,that she fell.I took the moment and then punched her in the head and then ran off.Every few minutes I would check if I was behind followed,but I wasnt.
I opened the rundown door and slowly and careful walked upstairs.I hide the purse in my room and went to the side of the hallway.I found my baby brother with my little sister in there.For now everything would be fine.

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