The Original Bad Girl

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hey guys this is my first story hope ya like it any who later my peeps =) oh and also this is not edited


chapter 1- 1st day

"Wake up Maci time for school!!" my mom screams

'Ugh its bad enough I have a hangover why does she have to scream' I thought

"Okay mother I'm up no need to scream I mean its only the first day of school any way what's so important about it" I say nonchalantly.

"No! its not just the first day this is your 4th school that you have been in!!" she calms down and speaks again "look you promised me and your father that you would straighten up when we moved or do you want to go to an all girls school in Japan?"

"No no no I'm good you know I can't stand being around that much girls!!" I half yelled

I rarely get along with people only because I have trust issuses.

Oh I'm sorry let me introduce myself, I'm Maci Grey, known by many names in my previous schools like Trouble maker, No good, the worst person ever, and my personal favorite The Bad Girl.

I made a loud sigh and get up out of my nice and comfortable bed and stumble into my bathroom and hop into the shower and let the hot water relax my tense muscules.

Yes what my mom said is true this is 4th school been to my last one didn't end too good being that I punched a girl square in the face but hey she needed it.

So being that I'm trying to be a "good girl", I should wear nice clothes but that has no meaning to me so I put on some not-so-tight skinny jeans which hugs my curves just right and my pull over Paramore sweater (my fav band ever) and my long dark brown wavy hair in a messy bun and put my diamonds studs and black tounge ring in.

"Are you ready Jace?" I yell

"Yeah I am, I was waiting for you, now unlike you I would like to go to school and learn"

 I roll my eyes "shut up mamma's boy" which earned and glare from him which made me laugh

Meet Jason, my twin brother we may be twins but we are nothing alike, he is a "good boy" he only got in trouble 4 times in his life, thanks to yours truly. I try to make him live a little but mom say she wants at least one good child I guess I'm not that. Oh well.

My mom left right after the speech she gave me. She's a doctor so she almost never home and my dad is away on business, who knows when he comes back, as long as he brings me something and before you ask yes we are rich. But I don't rely only on that, I am my own person.

We got in Jason's range rover and drove to our new school. Isn't that great (just letting you know that was sarcasm, your welcome)

 We found a parking spot not far from the school, the school wasn't that bad but it was a little small but I can manage. BUT I must say the guys here are hot what are they putting in the water here? they are almost like models, look like I'm going to have fun here.

 Don't get me wrong I'm not a slut, I'm a person who loves fun. ALOT.

Me and Jason went to the office to our schedule for our classes.

"Hello my sister and I are new here and-" Jason said but got cut off by the old lady at the front desk.

"Oh hi!!, you must bet the Grey's, your mother called and told us that you would be joining us here at Bayside high" she says smiling way too hard for my liking if you ask me, no one can be that happy.

"Well alrighty then" I say taking the paper from her. Well it seems that me and Jason have three classes together. Great I'm going to be alone for 5 classes. Fun here we come.

I made it to my first class after dropping my stuff off at my locker. I walked in to my English class and The teacher. She looked like a parrot with her huge glasses and big nose. Ha I think I'll call her Parrot lady.

"Hello I'm Ms. Moody and you are?" oh boy, she even sound like a parrot. I almost lost it then and there when she started talking but I caught myself because I'm trying to keep up this "good girl" act or at least try.

"Hi I'm Maci Grey, I'm new here" I said with a fake smile not letting them know I obviously didn't want to be here.

"Obviously" said a cute guy with messy jet black hair and stormy gray eyes which was so amazing, but that wasn't going to distract me.

"Ohhh great comment, got more? I would love to hear them" I said sarcastically some people gasped and some just looked at me like I had a death wish or something. I don't know who this guy think he is but he is NOT going to talk to me like that good or not even though he may look like a model I am Maci Grey Damn It.

"Ms. Grey, if you don't mind could you have a seat next to Mr. Marshall and we can begin" parrot lady pointed in the direction of the same guy I was talking to. He had the biggest smirk the I just wanted to slap off.

" Hey there princess" he whispers in my ear

"Back off meat head" I said trying to control my quick temper I don't need to punch him in the face and get in trouble on the first day not like I haven't did it before.

"Oh a feisty one I like it" he says with the same smirk.

Something tells me its going to be a long day.

So I'm sitting here cursing to myself at my bad luck. The parrot lady really is a parrot she should shut up at least once. I'm pretty sure I can see the saliva on her teeth connecting them from not swallowing. EW, nasty much?

Being that it's disturbing me I casually glance around and to my amusement there is the typical popular cutest girls giggling and talking about makeups and boys, ugh and let's not mention useless color of the nails.

In another corner we have the boys who comment on every girls behind and try to guess how big their ass were. Then we got the geeks head in books actually listening to parrot lady and scribbling down every blob of nastiness that comes from her.

Last but not least we got this thing next to me. Why do I call him thing? Cause he's got an annoying attitude but he look good. From the head to the toes he is delicious, gray eyes that are so deep they suck the girls in, body with muscles tight and firm. Tall but reachable and lips moist and soft looking like cotton candy. Yum, the best word to describe how he looks right now but then the mood  is destroyed by every word that comes from his mouth which is stupidness.

I lay my head down to take a nap and hope that this class will pass fast and I can get out of here and get on with the rest of my day.


Well there you go my first story EVER! hope you guys like it there is more to come. oh and remember to........

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well... um.... later

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