Why can't I just have a good life

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There were no words to show how shocked I was to see that... that... asshole, right here, right now, in my room, in my fucking underwear. Wait did I say UNDERWEAR!!!!!???????!. I quickly cover myself with the oversized t-shirt I stole from Jason. The only thing that went through my mind was...

"W-what the hell are you doing here" I said trying to sound tough as I do always do but it only came out as a stutter. Great. Fucking great. Way to show em Mace.

He chuckle which resulted in sending a shiver down my spine. Damn it I hate the way he still can make me feel like that when I know he shouldn't. I should be over him, I shouldnt be like the scared little bitch that I am right now, I should be strong.

But that's the thing I should be, but I know right now I can't be

"What? I get no hi Ryder, I missed you Ryder, I have a nice new bed that needs me and you to break it in" he said as he jumped onto my bed which knock all my pillows off with his dark brown hair cascading down his face which makes him look oh so yummy. WAIT no stop it bad Maci bad.

"No you don't, you don't get that priviledge any more" I said not making eye contact with him, if I do Im scared ill lose all that I stand for right now and I don't need that.

"Oh come on babe, you and I both know that you don't mean that" he said as he got up from my bed and got closer to me which caused me to back up which I didn't go to far because I hit the wall, trapped with his arms on both sides of me.

"I-I do m-mean It" I said. crap why am I doing this?!

He chuckled again and said "Uh huh right and that's why your stuttering am I right?" he said with a smirk. That's it I am tired of this no more of him having the upper hand.

"Look here you asshole, you will not do this to me, not this time now get out of my room!!!!" I said which feels like steam is coming out my ears.

After what I just said he didn't move not one bit. He just stayed there with the smirk frozen on his face. He looked into my eyes

"Are you sure you want me to do that? I mean I can always do this for you" he said as he got closer and his lips met my jaw bone and started to move down.

Oh my sweet cheese. I missed this, he always knew how to make feel so....... wait no he can't do this. Just when I was about to push him away he started to suck on the sweet spot on my neck.

I arched my back and moaned his name which caused him to chuckle. Then I realized what hell I was doing I pushed him off as hard as I could which made him fall on the floor.

"You asshole how dare you come in here and think you can get me ever so easily!!! have you forgotten what you did!!! I sure as hell didn't!!! and If you think I am just going to run and come back to you once I see you, ha you got another thing coming!!!" I yelled as he looked at me like I had gone crazy or something.

He composed himself and started to laughed very sinisterly "Oh, you say I got another thing coming? oh sweet cheeks you are funny I wonder if Mr and Mrs Grey would think its funny if their lovely daughter came home at 2:30 in the morning when she is suppose to be sleeping and getting ready for school which she is also suppose to be doing good in" He said with and evil grin on his face.

"Hahahaha!" I burst out laughing. Which caused him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"As if you could ever threaten me with such a stupid thing as that? Did you seriously think that would work? you did didn't you! hahaa!" Once more that smirk he had got wiped off his face and i start clapping.

"Now then shall we get to the important part of this?" I got closer, adding courage and confidence to every step and stopped right infront of him. I stare into his eyes not with passion but with anger and rage that could burn through him. I see him fidget and weaken for a minute underneath my glare but he composes himself again. Bastard. i swear he would be dead if my eyes could kill!

" Who do you think you are? Did you think you meant something to me? i love to inform you your dead to me get it? so don't try to threaten me like you use to do, it's not going to work that was the old Maci, you are looking at the new Maci bitch. Now if you would stop dirtying my air it'd be awesome to get your fucking ass out of my room! "

He stares for a bit with no reaction, anaylzing ever word and letting it soak in. What is he a fucking sponge? asshole. Then he grins and raises an eyebrow.

"Dead huh? should I feel so touched?" this caused me to step a little back and to my luck he noticed this and stepped closer and said.

"For now we'll leave it at this but we both know that your dead to me means so much more than love. See you later, babe. Sorry I have to leave your bed cold for another time when it doesn't need to be" he head towards the door and opens it. I quickly reach for a pillow or something whatever is in my hand and throw it but to my dismay he had closed the door. Causing the pillow to fall to floor along with my body onto my bed.

"This time...a bluff saved me but i know next time it won't..god please. why can't I just have a good life?" I curled into a ball with my pillow thinking what to do next and within a few minutes fell asleep.

While he is here I feel like my days are numbered, for now on I think I need to watch my back for now on because I am at war with more than one person including myself.

The Original Bad GirlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя