Lil Rocky is in the building!!!!

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Hey guys!!!!!!!! how's it going are u guys happy school started? i'm not...... well enough of my awkwardness ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!! =)


There are just some things a girl just needs in life, some want love, money and or jewelry, no not me I just want my freakin car back. I want my beautiful white and black Camaro back, that is like my one and only thing I cherish in my life other than food.

When me and Jace got home mom and dad and him weren't home yet thank the sweet lord. I went straight to my room to pack some of my fighting stuff so I can finally go meet James for my fighting.

I sneak out of my room only to hear nothing but quietness Jason must be doing homework or whatever good mamma's boys do. I made sure to lock my bedroom door so it looks like I don't want to be bothered and then sneak into my window when I come back and no one will suspect a thing. Yup I'm a badass super spy, you can add it on to my many bad ass things I can do.

I go into the garage to go save my baby Marty, and yes I did name my car if you got a problem with it well go jump off a cliff my friend and see if I care. I took the spare key that I keep hidden under the car and get into the car. Man its been too long since I heard this baby purr like a kitten. I take off blasting Mac Millers Loud and head for the address that James told me the other day. I pull up to an old abandon warehouse where I see two steroid induced bodyguards who look mighty familiar.

"Hey Jim and Tim how's it going haven't seen you guys in awhile" I said while high fiving the giants that are in front of me,

Jim chuckled and said "Lil Rocky is in the building!!!!!!!!" he said as he gave me a small hug

"Mace!!!!! is that you, I missed my little munchkin it's no fun around here with out you"' Tim said while putting me into a bone crushing hug and I really mean bone crushing.

"Um.....Tim buddy....your uh.....killing me... here" I said while using all the air in my lungs I had left till Tim let me go.

"Oh shit sorry Mace, your just so small and I'm just so big and I didn't mean to-" Tim was cut off by Jim

"Look what you did you big lump your killing one of our best fighters, now what are u going to tell James" Jim said while scolding his brother. I was about to tell them I was alright but James had stopped me.

"Tell James what, keeping things from me already boys?" he said with a smile, man he's a weirdo but hey who isn't now in days?

James looked down to the ground only to see me still trying to catch my breath from Tim's death grip of a hug "Oh hey Mace what ya doing down there?" he said looking confused

when I was about to speak I was cut off by Tim, who look like he was balling his eyes out "OH I'M SOOOOOOO SORRY BOSS, I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT HER!!!!!!!!" man he is such a big baby

"It's nothing-" I was cut off by James "Guys how many times do I have to tell you, our little Maci here can't get hurt, she is un-hurtable" he said with a smirk on his. Wow James had said a lot of things but I don't even think un- hurtable is a word.

"Oh just shut up James and wipe that stupid ass smirk off your face" I said with a smile

"Hey, the ladies happen to love this smirk, they think its hot" he said

"Please James your as hot as a serial killer is safe" I said with Jim and Tim busting out laughing. James pouted like a five year old who didnt get his way.

"What are you two laughing at, aren't you suppose to be doing your jobs?!" he yelled and Jim and Tim snap back into the positions they were in when I got here. Punks.

"Awww did little James get mad?" I said pinching his cheeks like my crazy grandma would do I love that women but my cheeks would be bruised for a month.

He smacked my hand away and said "Shut up I'm fine, now let's get you started shall we?" he said as he was motioning me to follow him. I followed him to the back and got my paper work done, talked a little and by the time I looked at my phone for the time it said 2:00

"Oh crap I got to get going, later James" I said making a dash to my car while James yelled bye

I got in my car and drove back home. I parked my car outside so I wouldn't wake anyone up, I climbed the tree to get to my window and opened it. Once I got in I made a huge sigh and I begin to take off my clothes to put on my PJ's. Just when I was down to my bra and panties I heard some one clear their throat.

"Alright who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my room? or prepare to die" I said as the person turned on the light

"Man it's good to see that sexy ass body again" he said with a chuckle that made me froze in panic. It's...

 Ryder Dean.


Hey guys, sorry I took so long stupid school prolongs my writing........ anywho what do ya think? like? no like? maybe even love? well which ever please make sure to.......

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