Lets play a game

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walk up in the club like what up I got a big flock =)

sup my peeps sorry for taking long had writers block kinda still do but I'm going to try for you guys

Also I need help from you guys to tell me if I'm doing good Because I'm new at this I'm open to any suggestions =) any who I hope you guys like it.

Also this is not edited


Maci's POV


Can someone tell me how can a person be this annoying


Not even two minutes of telling this guy to back off he is back to annoy me why can't he just leave me alone. But noooo he just has to tempt the new girl. Story of my life.

After I had enough of all the poking I turn around angrily to see what he wants

"What?!" I whispered

He raised his hands in defense "Hey,calm down princess I just wanted to ask you a question"

I sighed "What do you want I'm trying to pay attention to the teacher"

He snorted "Ha no one ever listens to her look around, do you see any one listening?"

And like he said everyone in the class was doing their own thing, some texting, some making out and I think one kid is sleeping. Well that's a shame.

I turn back to him "And your point is?" why do I feel like this isn't going to end well due to that question.

He put on this evil smirk that can tell something was up "Lets play a game" he whispered in my ear so smoothly and so close which I don't even know how he got so close. But I couldn't help but listen for some reason, maybe its the fact that I have a thing for games.

"I don't even know your name" I say with a sly smile

"Well hun your looking at the great Damien Marshall babe" he said with a wink. I giggled a little, great huh? this guys ego is bigger than the state of Texas, lets see if we can tone it down a notch.

"Look here.. Damien is it?" he nods his head in approval that I got it right I continued "I know what you are, a bad boy, player and probably doesn't have that much brains so I will say it slowly. Not. Interested." I say softly in his ear just enough to make him shutter. BINGO I got him where I want him.

I turn around with a sly smile knowing that I won but not for long because he started kicking my chair. Okay now he is acting like a child.

I turn around again " Could you stop being an ass" I say angerly

"Oooooo good girl said a bad word" he said as he laugh.

Oh that's right I'm supposed to be good and not cause trouble. crap. I swallowed up my pride just to be nice to this guy.

"Can you please stop" I said through my teeth

He smirked before he spoke "Sure princess now that you said please" and with that he sat back with his big muscular arms behind his head that are very nice might I add.

"Ugh your impossible" and as I said that the bell rung meaning that this nightmare is over.

The pass two classes went by fast being that I meet a couple of people in my math class, like Jane she is cool and smart she helped me with my math because I suck at it. She is a little girly but I can take it because she is not over the top which is good.

Then there is Mason who also hangs with Jane he's is cool I mean he is just like me but in a boy version he is a player but at least he has feelings also he is the schools clown every thing is a joke to him. These people are cool I can maybe hang with and they already invited me to sit with them.

I was walking to the cafe minding my own business when this plastic whore stepped in my way along with her pack of sluts. Here we go, I guess couldn't go through a day with out someone trying to come at me.

"Hi you must be the new girl am I right" she said with her face piled with make up I wonder what her real face looks like, she probably looks like King Kong's baby.

"Uh yeah what of it ?" I say standing my ground ready for anything

"Look If you listen to me now your life in this school would run very smooth" she say with a sickening smile

"And that is....?" I ask

"You NEED to stay away from Damien, got it? He's mine and I don't need some new girl taking him away" she said as her face got red by the minute this girl has got to be kidding me right. This has to be a sick dream or am I being Punked?

I had to take a deep breath before answering her "Look prom queen I just got here and your on my ass about some guy that I'm not even thinking about? You must have problems" I said and stepped to side and continue to walk to the café.

"You little bitch" she said and the next thing I know the freakin psycho tries to swing on me.

Oh he'll no if prom queen wants a fight I'll give her one, I wasn't a underground street fighter champ for nothing as I went to hit her a hand stop my fist. A very large one at that.

"We wouldn't want that now do we?" said a voice that I really didn't need to hear and just like that the devil himself Damien Marshall appeared in the middle of me and Prom Queen.

I ripped my hand out of his grasp "Don't touch me" I snarled at him as he backed away

"Can you believe that this .. Thing was going to touch me babe" the plastic whore says to Damien

"Don't worry Jess I'll take care of it just go okay" he say without taking his stormy eyes off me just wit that the plastic whore named Jess leaves with her pack of clones. Which leaves me with the idiot. Great.

"I didn't know you street fight" he says

I look at him with confusion "what makes you say that?" how could he know that no one knows that not even Jace and on top of that I just got here.

"Your wrist band you only have that if you are a street fighter" he says as he shows his, crap I forgot about my wristband I never take the thing off thinking no one knows what it is and now he does.

I walk slowly towards him "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, after all I am the new girl"

"Hmmmmm, there's a lot we don't know about each other, how about we change that" he say as he slowly whispers in my ear.

"We never got to play that game" he said huskily which sent chills down my back, oh he's good but I'm better I ran my hand down his yummy his two... four...six.... eight!!!!! oh my lord I didn't even know those were real!!. being that I'm short I had tippy toed and nibbled his ear a little once I did that his breath hitched. I looked in his eyes which were filled with lust and said.

"Don't count on it playboy, I know how you work, you try to be caring and say sweet stuff just to get in my pants well that's not going to happen" I say as the smirk on my face slowly creeps on my face and walk away.

I hear him chuckle as he starts to talk "You should know that I don't take no as and answer"

I couldn't hold in my laughter " Then let the games begin Marshall" I say as I walk slowly to the cafe


Wooooo there's the 2nd part you guys =)

What do ya think about Maci and or Damien cool or lame

Well anywho sorry for the long wait had massive writers block but is all good now so..... Um.... Bye now oh and don't forget to

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