Chapter one

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Midnight Hour-Chapter One

  Well today is Monday. Ugh I fucking hate Mondays. I run to school but first Derek picks me up and we run together. People think we're weird but that's just us. So today Ariana (Ari) is coming over after school so is Derek and so is Ari's boyfriend, Jacob. And we all 4 go and run around. Derek kissed me this morning it was so AMAZING!!!! He makes me feel special like I'm the only one he cares about. But then little miss bitch comes around and has to ruin it. Her name is Brittany she's the most popular girl in school she's a fail. She get's straight F's and she is 21 she has gotten held back so many times. She doesn't even know what 2+2 is. I mean come on my 5 year old sister even knows what 2+2 is. All Brittany knows is cheerleading and how to be a bitch. Now I wear makeup and stuff  but I'm in band and fashion so I'm smart un like her.

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