Chapter three

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Midnight Hour-Chapter Three

Well it's two minutes till midnight. Ugh why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? One minute now.... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 here I go. All you can hear is the screams of my changing Derek's trying to help but it's no use. Now all I am is a werewolf. Paws not hands or feet. No skin to see but fur. Real wolves are one with me. We are equal now. Now Derek and I must go with the wind run and hunt for food to feed on. Running in the woods is what we both love to do.

"Did you see that?" I asked Derek frightened.

"See what?" He asked.

"Never mind it has to be my imagination." I told him.

"What do you think you saw?" Derek asked looking around.

"A vampire....." I told him.

"They won't touch us they are too afraid to." Derek told me all determined.

"Oh look who's here; the two werewolves." Said Brittany as she looked at us.

"What do you want from us Brittany?" I asked.

"Where's your little friends?" She asked me and Derek, "Don't they know what you really are?"

 "Home." Derek said "And no they don't."

"Derek we need to tell them tomorrow I can't hold it in any longer!" I whispered to Derek.

"Ok we will tell them tomorrow babe now let's get out of here!" He told me.

"Right behind ya!" I told him.

"Where are you too going?" "Home to your little families? Brittany said.

"None of your business!" I told her.

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