Chapter two

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Midnight hour-chapter two

Midnight is coming in two hours. I don't want to have my friends see me as a werewolf. They can't know who I truly am or they will probably try to kill me. At least Derek is a werewolf like me. So he can protect me. He's so manly like that. Well obviously since he is a guy and I'm not. My friends want to stay the night even though it's Monday.

"I think you two should go home. My mom would say no since it is a school night." I told Ari and Jacob.  

"Ok we will bye Anna, bye Derek. Bye you guys see you tomorrow at school." Ari says reluctantly as she and Jacob leave. "See ya." Jacob says before he closed the door.

"Ok well what do we do now Anna?" asked Derek. "They won't believe those lies any much longer."

"But babe I don't wanna tell them I mean what if it will ruin our relationship? What if they think I'm a freak?" I said to Derek as he kissed my forehead.

"They won't their our best friends they won't care." Derek said to me.

"You don't know that." I sighed, "They will never trust us again. They will kill us. I know they will. I-I saw a glimpse of what could happen and I don't like it." I started, my eyes tearing up.

"Babe,  the future can always change. You of all people know that for a fact." Derek replied, pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know what to think. I could be wrong but I could so very much be right." I said in his arms.

"Anna will you trust me on this one?" Derek said as he wipes the tears off my face.

I nodded, but in my head I said no.

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