Sleepy Car Journeys (fluff)

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Sleepy Car Journeys (fluff)

Dan and Phil have been on tour for a couple of days now, and this had concluded in a lot of fatigue and unfinished free! episodes they had shamefully fallen asleep during. Both the boys were exhausted and honestly, all they wanted was a good nights rest unfortunately for them - they were on their way to Liverpool for another show. Admittedly, they loved touring, connecting with their viewers and being able to make so many people happy but their busy schedule was really eating in to their sleeping pattern.

They were in the car now, on their way to their next show, visible bags had gradually developed under their eyes as tour grew on and even layers of foundation that the crew would paint them in wouldn't cover them.

"Im exhausted." Phil commented, buckling up his seat belt as Dan did the same from the seat beside him.

"Me too. I just want to sleep - I don't want to get a sore neck before the show though." Dan responded, nibbling on his chapped lips.

"You can borrow my zebra if you want."

"Your zebra?"

"Yeah!" Phil exclaimed, a smile tugged on his lips as he pulled out a zebra patterned neck pillow from his bag.

"You're not using it?" Dan asked.

"No! I'm probably going to end up staying awake anyway after all the coffee I've consumed" Phil said. The truth is - despite how adorable Dan is when he is sleepy, he didn't like seeing his companion disorientated. He knew Dan needed the rest. Phil was tired himself, but he knew his coffee addiction could surely pull him through the next show.

"You're 100% sure?" Dan asked and Phil responded with a nod, passing the pillow over to the boy beside him. Dan gave a grateful nod with a tight smile, a sigh left his lips before resting his head against the window, the pillow supporting the weight of his head around his neck.

"WakemeupwhenwegettoLiverpool." Dan mumbled and Phil smiled, humming in reply as he plugged in his headphones.

As Dan nodded off to sleep, Phil rested his head against the window, the cloudy cold condensation dripping on to his pale forehead, music played quietly in the background as his senses dulled out until his eyes were closed and he was content to his surroundings.

It was 20 minutes or so in to Phil's nap that he awoke with sharp pains shooting up from his neck to the back of his scalp. He knew it wasn't a good idea to go to sleep against the window. God damn his fatigue. He peered over at his companion, who slept silently, dark brown hair draping over his pale skin and his eyelids closed innocently. Phil couldn't help but compare his exterior to an angel despite his slightly rougher interior of a personality. Phil stretched out his seat belt, his tired mind too focused on sleeping rather than safety - it wasn't his priority. He shuffled closer to Dan for heat. He shimmied his way under Dan's arm which was leaning on the head rest of the middle seat in the car. Warmth spread across Phil's body as their touch collided, not only was he warm on the outside due to the several layers of shirts and jumpers Dan had packed himself in but being this close to his flat mate made his heart beat faster and his stomach to turn with anticipation. There was just something about Dan that made Phil happy and being right next to him at this moment, on tour, made him content.

He closed his eyes, treasuring the moment before hearing words stumble out of Dan's mouth:

"You better not fucking drool on my jumper."

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