Unwanted Visitor (Fluff)

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Unwanted Visitor (Fluff)


Cat had been staying at the Dan and Phil residence for about 4 days now and both the boys were at their wits end; after a while her presence gets extremely tiring. Both of them had been friends with her for a good 6 years now, and over time they had to admit that their admiration for her had begun to wear out. Unfortunately for them, neither Dan nor Phil wanted to break this to their American friend concluding in Cat's stays at their house to be extremely awkward. One of the biggest factors that annoyed both the boys was the fact that Cat was consistently flirting with each of them, and they both were too nice to say anything but internally they had begun to despise her. Dan, although he hated to admit it, gets very jealous and protective over Phil and when he is pushed - will do anything to make sure Phil is safe, and it was the same for Phil. Dan and Phil were both very protective over each other, their peers just thought it was because they were close friends but in reality it was because deep down they felt more than friendship for each other.

Dan couldn't help that his limits were tested that night. Usually, he isn't like this. Usually, he succeeds in biting his tongue to savour Cat's feelings but that had all gone out the window. That night, Cat had gone out drinking with loads of other popular youtubers like Zoe, Alfie, Casper and Joe - both Dan and Phil had noticed that she had recently been making much more of an effort to interact with bigger users and she was definitely benefiting subscriber wise due to this. Dan and Phil had used this opportunity of having the flat being filled with just them two to cook some dinner and catch up on some anime as they hadn't been able to spend some quality time together as their flat had been filled with a little third wheel.

The food was cooked, and the television was ready. Both boys had decided to watch the last couple of episodes of Food Wars (it had been a while since Cat wasn't a big fan of anime). Dan's body flopped on to his usual place on the couch as he heard Phil's footsteps pad along the flooring, approaching the living room.

"Dan! Do you think you could help me?" Phil beckoned from the hallway. Dan's body was tired, and he really didn't want to get up but he would do anything for Phil. He shifted his body up and opened the living room door to see Phil as the doorway juggling too plates in his hands. Instinctively, Dan grabbed the plates from Phil and placed them down on the table as Phil went to get the drinks.

"Phil! Did you get the knives and forks?" Dan called out to Phil who was in the kitchen.

"Yeah, they're in my pocket."

"They better not be in your back pocket!" Dan teased, rolling his eyes but a smirk playing on his lips. There was no response but a small giggle that rang around the hallways. Dan walked over to the television, bending down to make sure the laptop was connected properly - giving Phil a great view as he walked in (but it's nothing he hadn't seen before).

"Jesus Dan, put your butt away!" Phil exclaimed playfully, looking at Dan who turned around whilst Phil put the drinks on the table beside the couch. Dan raised his eyebrows at Phil and let out a little laugh as he passed him his plate. He took his place next to Phil on the sofa, putting his plate on his lap as the TV began to play.

"It's been a while since we did this." Phil commented, playing with his stir fry with his fork.

"Yeah, it has." Dan said with a tone of sadness in his voice. He looked over at Phil admiringly, neither of them had left the house today and yet Dan still thought Phil looked great. Innocently, Phil turned to look back at him, the corner of his lips turned upwards as their eyes connected.

"When Cat leaves, I swear I'll make it up to you." Phil promised and Dan nodded looking over at the television playing absentmindedly. Being overwhelmed with emotions, Dan shovelled a fork full of food in to his mouth trying to avoid eye contact with his dark haired friend.

"I can feel you staring, you noob." Dan muttered, licking his lips and peering over at him. Phil's cheeked blushed a dark shade of crimson, contrasting his usually pale complexion.

"I mean it Dan. You, uh, know how much you mean to me. No matter who is here, you'll be my priority." Phil admitted quietly. Dan bit the corner of his lip as the words left his friend's mouth. They looked over at each other, the air filled with tension.

"You know I..." Dan was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and obnoxious laughter ringing around the flat. They both let out a small groan as Cat stumbled in to the living room - they had forgotten she had taken the spare key. Her hair was up in a messy pony tail and few strands stuck to the red lipstick smothered on her face.

"Good morning" She giggled, prancing over to sit between the small gap that separated Dan and Phil.

"It's evening." Dan responded. "What are you doing back so early?"

"They all left, said they had to do some editing tomorrow so they couldn't drink as much." Cat answered. "Are you guys watching one of your cartoon things again?"

"Anime. You mean anime." Phil responded stiffly and Cat hummed in response. Dan and Phil exchanged looks, both of them disappointed that their alone time had been ruined.

"It's really cold in here, how are you guys not cold?" Cat slurred, edging her body closer to Dan's, her head resting on his shoulder. Dan nervously bit his lip as he felt Cat's hot breath on his neck.

"I think it's time you went to bed Cat. You're drunk. You'll have a hangover tomorrow if you don't get some rest." Phil said, placing his plate on the table and getting up.

"You can get some rest, Philly. You can leave me with Dan." She giggled.

Dan tensed up. He didn't like it when other people used his nickname for Phil, and he wasn't quite happy with the thought of being left alone with a drunk Cat.

"No, I think it's a good idea that you got some sleep. Phil and I were just heading off to bed anyway." Dan rushed out anxiously. Cat bit her lip, the red lipstick bleeding off her lips and staining her teeth.

"Sure whatever. You brits are such light weights." Cat laughed, stumbling up off the couch. "I'll see you two in the morning." She purred, falling in to the door. Dan and Phil both rushed to her side, guiding her out the room and to her own. She gave the boys a wink before closing the door to the office.

"Wow that was really something." Dan murmured, itching the back of his neck.

"Yeah I suppose. Um, what were you gonna say earlier?" Phil asked, his eyes widening.

"Oh, uh, that. It was uh nothing."

"Are you sure?" Phil questioned quietly.

"Yeah. I'm tired, I think I'm just gonna head off to bed." Dan mumbled and Phil pursed his lips as Dan turned his back and began to walk towards his bedroom. Phil clasped his hand around his wrist, tugging him back.

"What the-phil?"

Phil placed his hands on both of Dan's cheeks and pushed his head closer to his until their lips were touching. Dan's hands instinctively were placed gently on his hips, the kiss continued at a slow pace until they retracted from each other's touch.

"Always my priority. Okay?"

"You dork, this isn't the fault in our stars."

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