Bloopers (fluff)

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Bloopers (fluff)

Dan pursed his lips as he stared at the screen of his computer, the bright pixels illuminated the room. It was late evening, due to the recent clock change, the sky was clear and dark. He was sat on his own, wearing his grey jogging bottoms that he dug out from his wardrobe and a simple black t shirt. Him and Phil had previously been out during the day so his daytime clothing was carelessly laid on the floor upstairs in his room. Phil was upstairs, cooking dinner Dan presumed as he could smell chicken in the oven. The vegan thing didn't last too long - just under three months until Phil literally begged Dan to order a meat feast pizza which he could not resist.

Currently, Dan was trying to edit a video of bloopers from Phil Is Not On Fire 7 but he was finding great difficulty doing this task. The entire video was only 6 minutes long but they had filmed a lot more footage than that: 35 minutes to be precise. Unfortunately they couldn't use much of it considering it featured a few aspects neither of the British boys were ready to reveal to their audience.

The brown haired boy sipped his cup of coffee as he watched the raw footage play on his screen. Laughs bubbled through his headphones in to his ears which made Dan's lips rise in to a smile.

On the screen, Dan sat on the bed, cat whiskers drawn on his face to match his partner, Phil.

"This user says: Act out the hat fic" Dan on the screen read out, his teeth pressed together as he looked at the camera. "Ew we don't even have a hamster."

"That's the only thing wrong with that scenario?" Phil asked rhetorically, raising his eyebrows.

"That and also the fact that I'm 78% sure I lost the hat fic hat." Dan answered.

"Hmm. What a coincidence." Phil hummed and Dan laughed at his dark haired companion. "Would you ever date a fan?"

"I mean, we can both relate to being in the position of being in love with someone we idolise and look up to." Dan started and Phil smirked in response.

"Oh can we now?"

"Yeah, well I definitely can." Dan replied, eyeing up Phil.

"Dan! We can't put that in the video!" Phil exclaimed, realising what he meant.

"Oh don't get your ugly pink plaid boxers in a twist, I'll edit it out."

"They're not ugly. They're bright and fun. Sorry Mr-I-only-wear-black-underwear-or-calvin-kleins."

"You would know."

Phil rolled his eyes and sighed as a laugh echoed out of his lips. "You're just making your editing time longer."

"I can't help that Phil. Our audience practically knows anyway - what does it matter?" Dan questioned, licking his lips and looking at his boyfriend.

"I'm not ready! Just please make sure you edit it out, please Dan." Phil pleaded.

"Yeah, yeah sure it's fine."

Both boys fell silent as they awkwardly peered over to their phones to look for more questions.

"Would you rather have-"

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Phil asked, his voice was quiet and vulnerable. His body was caved in as he played with his fingers and refused eye contact with the younger boy.

"Phil. No. Why would you say that?"

"Because-I-You want to come out and I d-don't want to."

"Oh Phil." Dan edged towards Phil whose voice had begun to become wobbly. The brunet moved closer to the darker haired boy so their thighs touched. He placed his right hand on to Phil's knee which resulted in his head jerking upwards to connect eye contact with Dan. "You're not ready, and I respect that Phil."

"But I-"

"Look, Phil. The only time I get vaguely angry at you is when you eat the last of my cereal but other than that, I could never be angry with you. You're such a twonk sometimes." Dan raised his left hand up to gently cup Phil's cheek.

"I don't care if come out in ten days or ten years, as long - and as cheesy as it sounds - as I have you, I'll be fine."

Phil couldn't speak, he just smiled at his boyfriend before he leant towards him nudging their noses together. The feeling of sticky exhaled carbon dioxide radiating on to eachothers skin made them pull eachother close until they were in a full embrace with their foreheads pressed together.

"I'm so happy I have you." Phil admitted. "I uh, I really love you Dan, you know that right?"

"Of course I do you dork. I love you too."

Dan paused the video on the computer, staring at the image in front of him. He smiled to himself before transferring that part of the video in to a different folder.

"Hey, what you looking at?" A familiar voice spoke from the doorway. Dan removed his headphones and swivelled the chair to face his boyfriend.

"Oh, uh nothing. Just the footage from PINOF." Dan stated, nodding his head towards the screen.

"Oh. Nice." Phil mumbled, walking over behind his boyfriend to drape his arms over his chest so Dan's head was resting on Phil's stomach. Dan leant his head back so he looked up to see Phil peering down at him.

"I really love you. I hope you know that." Dan whispered.

"You remind me every hour." Phil retorted before leaning down to gently kiss his boyfriends lips. "Now, come on, I made stir fry."

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