Snow Adventure (Fluff)

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Snow Adventure (Fluff)

It doesn't snow much in England, everyone knows that. When it did snow, everyone used it as an excuse to skip work or school and play out in the snow - it seemed to be that everyone loved it. Everyone but Dan and Phil. It didn't really affect the boys too much as they didn't seem to venture outside much but when it did snow it definitely was an inconvenience.

"Dan! Look have you looked outside?" Phil asked, peering out the large Victorian glass window in their living room. He turned around to face Dan who subsided on to the couch, his laptop was sat on his lap and his headphones were wrapped around his neck.

"Yes, I definitely have had the effort to get up and look outside the window rather than listening to music and shit posting on tumblr." Dan responded sarcastically. Phil rolled his eyes at his friend before returning his gaze to the soft white carpet that had begun to cover the city of London.

"Come look!" Phil said excitedly, pressing his cheek against the glass, his breath causing condensation to form. Dan grumbled under his breath, taking off his headphones and moving his laptop on to the space on the couch beside him. Phil felt the presence of his friend linger behind him, his shoulders brushing on Dan's torso.

"Great, it's snowing." Dan remarked. Phil could feel Dan's breath on his neck, not that he minded. He turned to face him, their noses nearly touching. Dan stumbled back slightly in shock and Phil pursed his lips as he looked back outside.

"I like the snow." Phil admitted.

"I know you do, I remember that one time it snowed and you forced me to go outside to film - that didn't last long." Dan reminisced with a laugh, Phil laughed along with him, and the sound filled the flat.

"Can we go out in the snow, just this one time?" Phil pleaded. "Please!"

"Really Phil? It's already getting cold in here." Dan commented, biting his lip.

"Please Dan! I'll make hot chocolate when we come back in, please, just for half an hour or so?" Phil asked, placing his hands together and giving Dan his begging eyes. He knew Dan couldn't resist them.

"Okay, okay! But that better be some damn good hot chocolate you're making me." Dan commented before he felt the arms of his boyfriend wrap around his lanky body. He was lucky he loved him. He could feel the vibrations of Phil's laughter against his chest before he quickly scurried away to get his boots and coat.

Dan chuckled lightly as he followed eagerly behind him, walking off to his room to try and find his boots and coat in his wardrobe.

"Dan? Do you know where the hats, gloves and scarfs are?" Phil called out from his bedroom. "I don't want us to get a cold" Dan heard him say a little quieter.

"I think they're in the office? If not they'll be in one of our wardrobes." Dan answered as he got out his coat and black boots. He tugged on the shoes and carefully tied up the laces before draping the coat over his arm, deciding he would put it on in a minute. "Did you find them?" He asked, walking in to the office to see Phil sat on the floor with several hats spread out across the floor.

"What's taking you so long?" Dan teased, licking his lips as Phil looked up at him innocently.

"I was trying to find the best ones." He admitted and Dan laughed at his dorky boyfriend.

"Just pass me my old furry one." Dan said, pointing to the old furry hat that covered his ears - he used to wear it all the time but kinda grew out of it. He tugged the hat on to his head, flattening his straight styled hair as he did so.

"Cute." Phil commented. Dan took a black hat with a bobble on to Phil's head, smiling as Phil let him tug it on.

"Did you find any gloves?" Dan asked.

"No I didn't." Phil frowned. "Guess you'll have to hold my hand."

"You're lactose intolerant, stop being so cheesy." Dan mocked and Phil rolled his eyes. Dork.

"C'mon! Let's go outside. I love the snow." Phil said in a giddy tone, ignoring Dan's comment. He smiled at his older boyfriend as he packed the remainder of the hats away. "You have your keys?"

"Yeah. You ready?"

"Yup!" Phil responded, as they both did up their coats. Phil followed behind Dan as they walked down the stairs of their flat and to the outside world. Once the door was open, the crisp, cold air hit both the boys like a slap on the face. Dan's hand automatically clasped in to Phil's as they walked out in to the open, their feet crunching down on the thin layer of snow.

"Do you think it will snow more?" Phil asked. Dan looked up at the sky, watching thick clusters of snow fall from the light abyss above them.

"Probably. It's fucking freezing." He commented looking down the empty street, white feathery blankets of snow covering the houses, cars and the road. Dan hadn't noticed the lack of warmth in his hand as he continued to watch the snow fall down on the street until he was interrupted by a cold sensation hitting the side of his face. He turned abruptly to see Phil leaning over, covering his mouth and his flushed cheeks with his hands; a few giggles left his mouth.

"Phil!" Dan exclaimed.

"Oops!" He laughed and Dan groaned, leaning over to scoop snow in to his hands, the coldness began to numb his fingers but he was more focused on getting revenge. With all the power Dan could muster, he threw the quantity of snow which he held in his arms at Phil who became covered in the cold substance.

"Dan! That's cold." Phil cried out, wiping it off himself.

"No shit Sherlock." Dan grinned turned his back to collect more snow.

"EAT MY PAIN." Phil screamed out but before he could attack Dan, Dan turned and pushed the snow out of Phil's hands. He pouted as the snow fell to the ground.

"I'm just too quick for you Phil." Dan said, smirking at him as Phil wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You're right. It is cold." Phil commented and Dan's lips turned upwards at his boyfriend's adorable nature.

"Do you want to go inside?" Dan asked softly, and Phil replied with a nod. "We can come back out tomorrow if the snow is still here." He suggested as they walked back towards the house together.

"Remember to take your boots off when you come in, the landlord will kill us if we get dirty snow on the carpets." Dan commented as he pushed the door open.

Once both the boys had removed their shoes, they walked up the stairs to their flat, the warmness surrounded their bodies as they entered.

"I'll make the hot chocolates." Phil told Dan as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Give me your hat first you dork." Dan said to Phil who blushed lightly before pulling the hat off and giving it to Dan. He took the hats in to his room to sit on the radiator before he got changed in to some slum clothes: some jogging bottoms which had been sitting at the bottom of his wardrobe for a few months and a black jumper. Before entering the living room, Dan turned up the heating and got a blanket from Phil's room.

Whilst Phil still pondered around in the kitchen, Dan decided to put the television on: reruns of the first season of American Horror Story played so he decided to keep it on in the background as he curled himself up in the blanket.

"You didn't get me a blanket then?" Phil commented as he walked in to the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.

"Why would I get two blankets when we can just share one?" Dan retorted innocently, lifting his arm up to give Phil some space to cuddle next to him underneath the blanket. He carefully sat down and passed Dan his hot chocolate.

"This is nice." Dan commented, holding the mug in his hands.

"The beverage or this moment?"


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